Stats for 000070-ceres | More stats coming soon(tm) | ||||
Part of v9 (20x256): | |||||
Created 2018-07-21 12:26 | Last updated 2018-08-02 07:51 | ||||
Played 18576 self-play games | 18576 debug games loaded | 252 evaluation games played |
All stats taken from games where perspective won | Player | Wins | Wins by resign | Wins by result | Sum win margin | Holdout games | Bad resigns | Unluckiness Sum of soft-n for all moves above move choosen |
Number moves From both players, but only in games won by Player |
Sum move visits From both players, but only in games won by Player |
all | 18576 (100.0%) | 12053 (64.9%) | 6523 | 172502.5 | 6158 | 173 (2.81%) | 9.548 | 6465860 (348.1 per game) | (1148 visits to top node per move) | ||
black | 7586 (40.8%) | 4799 (63.3%) | 2787 | 66568.5 | 2601 | 102 (3.92%) | 9.545 | 2729834 (359.9 per game) | (1152 visits to top node per move) | ||
white | 10990 (59.2%) | 7254 (66.0%) | 3736 | 105934 | 3557 | 71 (2.0%) | 9.55 | 3736026 (339.9 per game) | (1145 visits to top node per move) | ||
black luckiest game 1.313 unluck | white luckiest game 1.415 unluck | black+white luckiest game 4.105 unluck |
100 Random games | Debug (hover headers for definition) | Name | Viewer | Raw SGF | Debug (commented) SGF | Results | Moves |
Sum of soft-n for moves ranked higher than selected move (summed over first thiry moves)
Sum visits (first 30 moves)
Number of visits per side to top MCTS move (black count|white count)
Sum visits (all moves) |
Bleakest eval
Worst eval during the game by (black|white)
| Opening
First ten moves of game
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-nzk5t-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 282 | 5.28|5.38 | 12774|12116 | 166082|169874 | -0.86|-0.09 | N12;O7;M3;C16;J15;D16;F1;C18;H2;B12 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-47jzl-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 307 | 2.42|4.25 | 15541|14016 | 193509|187453 | -0.51|0.92 | R11;Q16;D12;J14;P8;D4;D15;H11;G11;Q4 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-kgnh2-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 287 | 4.42|4.32 | 14785|12492 | 172868|176891 | -0.73|0.9 | Q11;R4;F5;H14;D5;Q16;C10;P15;S2;Q14 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-xbmg7-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+2.5 | 463 | 5.43|3.58 | 13092|13213 | 347702|336901 | -1.0|0.28 | Q15;F3;O18;P19;M9;G6;C6;D3;P10;J4 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-lsjl9-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 491 | 4.06|6.02 | 12930|12497 | 292482|297061 | -0.61|0.97 | O14;G8;Q16;O11;E4;B6;P13;C17;N18;D15 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-rzw5b-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+35.5 | 342 | 4.24|4.5 | 15522|12354 | 173051|171236 | -1.0|-0.06 | L11;Q16;E13;D4;K17;Q4;N11;B14;C15;Q3 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-xwqc7-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 190 | 6.11|5.14 | 13633|13026 | 106394|102608 | -0.9|0.02 | S15;N8;L11;P16;N16;G10;G17;O16;H9;Q7 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-fzhsv-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+49.5 | 498 | 4.33|5.08 | 13898|12456 | 275479|286438 | -1.0|0.43 | L11;O18;J15;P17;E17;P5;A10;Q13;E1;T5 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-8l6kk-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+1.5 | 455 | 3.8|2.12 | 16530|15488 | 255112|265331 | -0.99|-0.08 | Q15;E16;A6;D17;C14;D15;B17;Q4;A17;Q16 |
1532178370-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-9qxh5-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 242 | 5.38|3.97 | 12298|12822 | 149838|152009 | -0.91|0.52 | O12;B15;Q5;O13;M2;R16;E2;S16;S4;C16 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-r2kcn-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+140.5 | 505 | 4.26|4.14 | 12765|13327 | 347864|322694 | -1.0|0.91 | S12;S10;C14;R15;P8;C2;L12;R10;D9;Q7 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-jc5mr-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+28.5 | 500 | 4.43|4.59 | 13529|12285 | 277792|273700 | -0.45|1.0 | S12;P17;A15;T8;G5;M9;O10;D16;A7;O11 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-ttvtt-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 346 | 4.11|4.94 | 13284|12699 | 197844|199887 | -0.88|0.35 | M11;C6;O5;N7;F11;A16;F17;T12;C16;Q4 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-bb4lm-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 151 | 4.46|4.54 | 14228|13253 | 96002|93312 | -0.37|0.92 | R11;S17;L18;E3;N6;B6;O17;E15;Q13;G9 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-dqjpj-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 168 | 5.02|4.91 | 14202|13150 | 96628|98644 | -0.89|0.2 | O13;C4;P9;H18;C1;R4;H4;L10;O2;N16 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-v6t9p-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 258 | 5.11|3.92 | 13750|12655 | 147662|145713 | -0.9|0.36 | R12;F11;Q12;P5;J18;R11;P19;B11;Q9;F17 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-txhjk-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 208 | 4.71|5.11 | 14157|13483 | 119738|120320 | -0.93|-0.03 | Q13;M16;Q14;L14;H1;M15;D12;G4;B9;Q16 |
1532178370-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-ksxwx-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 321 | 4.29|6.03 | 12889|12847 | 178377|180511 | -0.6|0.92 | T11;D10;K3;F18;J5;E3;Q4;J15;S16;D15 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-rgkc2-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+81.5 | 505 | 3.99|4.47 | 14944|14519 | 289965|279204 | -0.19|1.0 | Q12;F12;R13;R12;R14;Q11;F3;P12;R11;Q13 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-qnz45-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+8.5 | 456 | 3.4|4.3 | 14008|14146 | 286434|281711 | -0.29|1.0 | Q15;E4;S15;D5;M3;D3;T9;S13;O8;C4 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-q2k45-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+42.5 | 505 | 4.75|4.86 | 14099|12867 | 250237|255204 | -1.0|-0.05 | P10;D17;L9;D16;R10;Q4;O7;D4;P15;D11 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-bmpzf-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+22.5 | 498 | 5.62|4.44 | 13448|12626 | 320777|313566 | -0.43|1.0 | Q16;A10;D12;S12;Q8;K6;D6;R4;P4;E10 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-bfr6m-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+37.5 | 391 | 4.67|3.48 | 15740|15456 | 235178|236647 | -0.49|1.0 | R14;Q14;Q13;Q15;O18;P6;R15;P17;Q16;P16 |
1532178370-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-lmvfs-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 280 | 3.52|6.49 | 14137|13658 | 161217|165409 | -0.92|0.4 | R11;B4;J5;R4;Q4;D4;E5;E4;C12;D16 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-q9ppj-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 173 | 6.68|7.72 | 12940|13092 | 98053|94405 | -0.2|0.98 | P15;D17;F15;D5;C6;T10;D7;D15;A18;L16 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-xpqkr-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+42.5 | 409 | 5.12|5.91 | 13250|12188 | 227628|228184 | -0.96|1.0 | S17;C3;D9;N16;D17;D4;H12;E3;P12;Q8 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-6499x-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 285 | 3.97|3.98 | 14104|12134 | 163769|162588 | -0.39|0.91 | Q16;C6;P17;D4;F3;D3;L2;E5;D18;F4 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-fjbsn-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 369 | 4.59|4.7 | 13499|12529 | 215407|214320 | -0.28|0.92 | P10;N12;J19;J17;F4;D11;K14;G1;L7;P16 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-jg9ld-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 465 | 4.67|4.67 | 13199|12295 | 299259|318078 | -0.88|0.92 | S12;K5;S13;C9;O2;M10;H8;B10;R8;O16 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-jcr4m-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+117.5 | 505 | 2.6|6.54 | 12655|15087 | 271250|273615 | -1.0|-0.11 | T18;C4;O16;O5;L4;D17;N17;R14;Q16;S14 |
1532178370-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-v466g-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+17.5 | 399 | 4.41|6.89 | 12642|14357 | 246895|235828 | -0.24|1.0 | T19;C16;E13;N6;J8;L14;Q9;C15;D16;D17 |
1532178370-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-c85gd-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 138 | 3.74|4.98 | 14296|12886 | 79638|79893 | -0.94|-0.08 | R17;F16;D12;Q15;E17;E16;B18;D17;B15;P3 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-kjcls-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+36.5 | 481 | 5.55|3.66 | 13273|12164 | 263817|257631 | -1.0|-0.04 | O13;H6;D5;O10;D9;Q15;E8;G18;B4;N13 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-sldrv-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 217 | 4.12|4.04 | 14503|12848 | 127389|128500 | -0.45|0.93 | R12;D4;S5;D16;L19;G16;L14;Q16;J7;Q4 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-fx27v-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+33.5 | 425 | 4.33|4.23 | 12874|12835 | 238774|244110 | -1.0|0.43 | S11;D1;K10;C7;O8;N8;Q5;L9;O14;D17 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-bwvkf-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+19.5 | 391 | 4.36|3.05 | 14552|13592 | 227157|220202 | -0.85|0.84 | Q16;F11;B9;F15;B5;L3;L11;D15;E5;E16 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-zpxv8-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 405 | 4.61|5.27 | 12637|13295 | 264763|262676 | -0.67|0.92 | O14;D17;R2;P12;Q16;K19;B10;M16;E12;N15 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-8t8js-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+18.5 | 331 | 5.53|4.78 | 13394|12329 | 187306|183124 | -0.7|0.98 | Q16;H9;M7;J2;R18;Q14;H6;P3;M14;P4 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-jn7ml-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 165 | 5.72|6.22 | 12734|12913 | 96003|93254 | -0.15|0.91 | S12;L4;P11;M8;J14;D16;O5;F16;K12;B3 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-nbff7-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 142 | 4.18|5.88 | 14379|14281 | 79488|79306 | -0.98|0.1 | R14;D9;O13;G16;Q4;D4;H5;H19;G14;D16 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-7zs27-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+2.5 | 447 | 3.84|3.92 | 14286|12310 | 298298|296295 | -0.98|0.17 | T18;F4;D4;G5;N19;D5;R19;C4;C7;D3 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-2dtj5-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+18.5 | 471 | 4.98|2.45 | 13876|12347 | 245803|256830 | -1.0|-0.08 | N10;J12;C16;G16;A19;D15;K8;D16;B6;C17 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-rqv9w-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+3.5 | 470 | 5.17|5.74 | 12293|13208 | 254060|257584 | -1.0|0.13 | S10;Q15;H17;M19;J1;R4;R8;M7;O12;P17 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-chg68-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 181 | 4.73|3.27 | 13807|12454 | 99580|99618 | -0.43|0.92 | S10;Q15;D3;Q17;K7;P16;J18;O17;M3;D16 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-6xxkd-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+11.5 | 302 | 4.73|5.7 | 13344|12196 | 181320|178000 | -0.9|0.55 | N12;C3;P3;K8;D9;Q3;R10;Q4;F3;R9 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-wlbmm-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+5.5 | 405 | 5.59|5.26 | 13791|13075 | 225958|229312 | -0.68|1.0 | Q14;Q3;N7;O7;P7;P6;E10;Q5;O6;O8 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-f92hh-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+14.5 | 481 | 4.44|6.87 | 12994|12952 | 268259|252201 | -0.16|1.0 | P14;F15;D16;A6;E17;G16;G17;E14;A12;H17 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-pfjx8-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+35.5 | 463 | 4.7|4.48 | 15142|14715 | 282844|262050 | -0.25|1.0 | K10;R16;R7;D4;C6;Q4;H14;D16;C15;Q16 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-sfpjc-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 138 | 6.36|5.15 | 14258|12751 | 76156|79984 | -0.91|-0.09 | L10;E16;J18;C4;M4;E4;L1;D5;D2;R11 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-hhh7m-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 244 | 6.01|4.01 | 13628|12800 | 152523|155355 | -0.91|-0.07 | R13;E4;H2;J4;S12;O15;E14;C14;P14;D15 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-lxsvc-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 414 | 4.41|5.61 | 13095|12135 | 266369|278170 | -0.92|-0.09 | Q14;P8;N13;E5;G14;F7;D6;H5;O3;E6 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-6zmrc-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 380 | 3.5|5.32 | 12785|13842 | 233770|227435 | -0.9|0.81 | T18;M4;E4;M2;P15;M1;J13;E16;C9;R19 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-pvf2b-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+32.5 | 505 | 2.87|5.61 | 13338|13786 | 306873|309699 | -1.0|0.81 | Q16;J16;K17;D4;C13;Q4;S6;D16;J17;E16 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-pckfx-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 283 | 4.15|4.15 | 13432|12636 | 163437|161542 | -0.41|0.92 | T16;L16;J16;H9;Q16;R8;J4;F5;S6;F15 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-p7qcc-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+66.5 | 505 | 4.69|6.1 | 13358|13439 | 292316|297294 | -1.0|0.29 | M12;H15;C4;D17;D11;P18;M16;P19;N17;M3 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-lmvfs-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 282 | 3.52|3.77 | 13946|14479 | 164684|166138 | -0.88|0.0 | O12;L10;S5;K2;S10;O11;O17;A14;L2;D3 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-xbmg7-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 292 | 2.38|5.84 | 13389|15077 | 174024|173959 | -0.92|0.59 | R15;D17;D11;O16;R14;P17;D16;C16;E16;N14 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-d6d6r-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+36.5 | 431 | 4.38|4.34 | 13830|12228 | 239195|241924 | -1.0|-0.09 | O11;R4;Q16;P4;D5;Q5;D8;G10;R12;H15 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-dp77g-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 344 | 5.46|3.13 | 15013|13243 | 200898|207456 | -0.93|0.24 | T12;T17;L12;B5;M1;C4;O8;Q13;H12;Q5 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-s9f55-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+1.5 | 473 | 3.73|4.71 | 13100|13114 | 308376|328602 | -1.0|-0.07 | S15;E4;K12;H10;R12;R16;D15;P11;J7;H17 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-gtr5z-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+16.5 | 390 | 3.32|4.89 | 13134|13153 | 219153|218658 | -0.56|0.99 | S12;C9;P16;E4;J4;D5;O10;G4;O13;Q9 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-7qfz6-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+39.5 | 503 | 4.5|3.52 | 13768|12707 | 288111|291276 | -1.0|0.07 | O14;A12;G9;A15;P8;R14;O4;Q15;K14;P16 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-7vcq2-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 400 | 5.26|3.88 | 13229|12185 | 247770|253524 | -0.98|0.29 | O12;F4;T16;B17;H7;Q3;D16;D3;G19;Q14 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-wfzgv-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+1.5 | 505 | 4.31|2.62 | 15204|14683 | 316518|319567 | -1.0|0.08 | S15;L15;E5;P1;Q16;K8;M5;R6;C17;P3 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-wrkfl-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+1.5 | 411 | 5.77|3.15 | 14028|12476 | 281236|285091 | -1.0|-0.05 | P10;Q17;N17;O3;P14;C2;D9;C9;G15;A19 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-rg7bc-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 473 | 3.63|3.48 | 15302|13021 | 283742|299526 | -0.92|0.93 | S10;Q14;R7;P5;D10;G12;E17;K16;F1;C18 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-q9ppj-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+1.5 | 490 | 3.15|4.72 | 13676|13716 | 307730|302991 | -0.41|1.0 | Q14;R4;C14;Q16;H12;R15;M1;R14;P5;P4 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-4tnrn-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 261 | 3.51|3.64 | 13727|13017 | 148321|151193 | -0.75|-0.02 | S16;M5;N16;D17;R7;F10;Q16;Q5;E8;B11 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-cpbm4-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 436 | 3.46|5.52 | 14253|12795 | 237119|247436 | -0.98|-0.06 | O11;D16;D14;E16;K16;F15;A17;C15;E6;E7 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-x6ctw-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 284 | 3.85|5.67 | 14620|13143 | 184402|183432 | -0.72|0.43 | Q15;J11;C5;E16;Q16;M2;Q3;F4;C4;C16 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-fx27v-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+2.5 | 471 | 4.8|3.17 | 13815|12424 | 280646|283207 | -0.99|-0.01 | O10;C16;B11;Q12;Q14;P5;P13;R3;P16;P3 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-kf854-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 313 | 4.28|5.83 | 12438|12922 | 175112|178010 | -0.9|0.9 | T14;P8;Q16;Q13;D3;O4;G15;F7;H9;C15 |
1532178366-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-942h6-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 308 | 5.05|3.78 | 12758|12660 | 180101|184207 | -0.92|0.33 | S11;M12;F5;B12;A15;T18;H7;J13;R12;O13 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-ns8nx-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+0.5 | 407 | 4.73|4.6 | 13016|13118 | 258203|261887 | -0.99|0.45 | N11;H18;F16;F10;B14;P17;K8;G4;F17;K6 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-6w66h-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 253 | 4.08|4.55 | 13194|13609 | 147386|147012 | -0.64|0.9 | T13;N16;L16;P15;O17;Q9;F8;P3;P9;K14 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-nvr5g-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 207 | 4.74|4.87 | 14092|13111 | 117996|117154 | -0.21|0.93 | R10;R4;K18;P16;M14;C10;C5;T2;M16;D4 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-qvvj9-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 415 | 4.25|5.21 | 14511|12244 | 263592|280483 | -0.61|0.91 | Q16;O19;D4;E2;Q15;D3;G3;H11;P18;C4 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-9hxtn-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+21.5 | 334 | 4.67|4.75 | 14803|12190 | 177954|178058 | -1.0|-0.09 | T17;D6;N10;Q16;K10;D4;H19;D16;F3;B4 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-h24ls-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 173 | 3.26|4.54 | 15022|13232 | 108975|102371 | -0.27|0.91 | R15;E15;L3;Q4;E17;M16;O10;F12;M3;D16 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-rzf99-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+25.5 | 327 | 4.43|5.23 | 13141|13015 | 208237|205852 | -0.95|0.49 | P11;N5;D8;E6;R2;P16;Q3;Q17;G16;A13 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-27p8j-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+15.5 | 485 | 3.58|3.48 | 13181|13108 | 285006|287843 | -1.0|0.25 | R11;G6;D11;K5;P16;E19;Q16;Q9;G1;A7 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-7fn2s-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 261 | 4.48|4.37 | 13407|12351 | 147805|143722 | -0.33|0.9 | T16;R12;P9;J17;B2;J4;P4;N13;P5;G11 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-49rl2-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 232 | 4.39|4.58 | 14161|13313 | 130470|130312 | -0.98|0.08 | Q15;D5;A6;Q3;A12;E9;D10;N1;D8;L12 |
1532178368-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-ztj9x-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 393 | 5.41|4.31 | 14880|12266 | 234288|237208 | -0.85|0.77 | R13;D4;F7;Q16;P4;D16;K9;Q4;E4;O6 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-p7qcc-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 274 | 4.86|4.88 | 12197|12598 | 160965|161606 | -0.93|0.36 | Q15;T8;B1;J16;E4;D1;L7;B15;C3;Q3 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-9678x-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 220 | 5.17|5.52 | 14500|12315 | 119742|122935 | -0.92|0.07 | L10;G13;Q4;T16;N5;N12;G3;L8;R16;Q16 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-nwshq-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 295 | 4.77|5.68 | 13255|13109 | 170271|164490 | -0.63|0.88 | Q12;B10;C14;C19;D17;A1;G6;Q15;D4;Q17 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-ztj9x-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 390 | 4.49|3.25 | 14692|12703 | 250246|256429 | -0.93|0.85 | S15;F3;L11;K8;E4;P5;P16;R18;E16;E3 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-nrzl6-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 273 | 3.9|5.19 | 13050|12233 | 163764|159555 | -0.67|0.87 | Q11;Q15;F10;R16;E13;P16;L3;N2;O4;Q17 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-2m4xr-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 268 | 4.79|4.46 | 12933|12608 | 158859|159166 | -0.89|0.14 | P15;F17;M9;C16;C11;P9;R19;O18;Q17;H17 |
1532178365-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-2h4vd-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 384 | 4.4|3.81 | 13623|12400 | 220665|223242 | -0.93|0.42 | Q16;D17;T17;T8;Q18;D3;B8;R9;G4;S1 |
1532178364-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-q9ppj-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+3.5 | 422 | 4.88|6.59 | 13268|12691 | 236840|244873 | -0.9|1.0 | Q13;Q3;K1;Q5;L6;R10;J17;D4;F9;G4 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-rq9st-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 217 | 2.73|3.52 | 15092|15212 | 127238|129480 | -0.46|0.9 | N13;E14;E16;B6;D16;E6;P2;P16;N11;R17 |
1532178369-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-njfrs-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 186 | 3.73|4.56 | 13995|14238 | 108925|112443 | -0.9|-0.06 | R15;M17;C2;O5;C16;M3;T9;D6;C1;P6 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-rzw5b-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 399 | 3.32|5.77 | 14092|12533 | 256777|258732 | -0.83|0.92 | S14;N2;P16;D3;F14;C7;D4;E4;H6;R17 |
1532178367-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-cvkf2-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 242 | 5.01|4.76 | 12429|12985 | 143561|146931 | -0.93|0.41 | R12;F15;P5;R4;C14;T14;Q5;T5;Q3;T4 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-576c87cb59-q9ppj-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+1.5 | 490 | 3.15|4.72 | 13676|13716 | 307730|302991 | -0.41|1.0 | Q14;R4;C14;Q16;H12;R15;M1;R14;P5;P4 |
1532178363-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-9hxtn-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+21.5 | 334 | 4.67|4.75 | 14803|12190 | 177954|178058 | -1.0|-0.09 | T17;D6;N10;Q16;K10;D4;H19;D16;F3;B4 |
1532178370-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-ksxwx-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 321 | 4.29|6.03 | 12889|12847 | 178377|180511 | -0.6|0.92 | T11;D10;K3;F18;J5;E3;Q4;J15;S16;D15 |
1532178370-tpu-player-deployment-57c689f568-lmvfs-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 280 | 3.52|6.49 | 14137|13658 | 161217|165409 | -0.92|0.4 | R11;B4;J5;R4;Q4;D4;E5;E4;C12;D16 |