Stats for 000040-archer | More stats coming soon(tm) | ||||
Part of v9 (20x256): | |||||
Created 2018-07-20 20:24 | Last updated 2018-08-02 07:51 | ||||
Played 17984 self-play games | 17984 debug games loaded | 246 evaluation games played |
All stats taken from games where perspective won | Player | Wins | Wins by resign | Wins by result | Sum win margin | Holdout games | Bad resigns | Unluckiness Sum of soft-n for all moves above move choosen |
Number moves From both players, but only in games won by Player |
Sum move visits From both players, but only in games won by Player |
all | 17984 (100.0%) | 12220 (67.9%) | 5764 | 86044 | 4513 | 45 (1.0%) | 7.604 | 7036585 (391.3 per game) | (1063 visits to top node per move) | ||
black | 4917 (27.3%) | 3337 (67.9%) | 1580 | 10541 | 1248 | 44 (3.53%) | 7.659 | 2168398 (441.0 per game) | (1148 visits to top node per move) | ||
white | 13067 (72.7%) | 8883 (68.0%) | 4184 | 75503 | 3265 | 1 (0.03%) | 7.583 | 4868187 (372.6 per game) | (1025 visits to top node per move) | ||
black luckiest game 1.048 unluck | white luckiest game 0.0 unluck | black+white luckiest game 2.905 unluck |
100 Random games | Debug (hover headers for definition) | Name | Viewer | Raw SGF | Debug (commented) SGF | Results | Moves |
Sum of soft-n for moves ranked higher than selected move (summed over first thiry moves)
Sum visits (first 30 moves)
Number of visits per side to top MCTS move (black count|white count)
Sum visits (all moves) |
Bleakest eval
Worst eval during the game by (black|white)
| Opening
First ten moves of game
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-h6kbr-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 348 | 2.64|3.78 | 15350|12573 | 166832|168552 | -0.9|-0.19 | P11;D4;K11;D16;L3;Q4;T5;J5;Q14;E4 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-dzckp-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 420 | 2.25|6.73 | 15743|12120 | 213419|214669 | -0.92|0.24 | T12;D1;R8;R2;S4;O10;T14;A8;N3;C7 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-9s4fx-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 358 | 2.62|6.24 | 14599|12406 | 173084|177830 | -0.94|-0.2 | P15;D16;F1;Q4;R2;D4;N16;Q16;N6;J1 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-rcqb2-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 503 | 1.95|5.35 | 14847|12526 | 272049|275148 | -0.91|0.87 | S12;D4;P9;Q4;J9;H6;F3;Q16;M12;N13 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-7bbtj-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+35.5 | 382 | 2.44|5.62 | 13969|12858 | 172731|178430 | -0.98|-0.06 | N12;Q16;D6;Q4;A4;D4;C16;D16;P14;Q5 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-tqzld-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 473 | 2.02|7.05 | 14718|12708 | 266774|293756 | -0.84|0.93 | S10;D16;N9;Q16;G1;Q4;P15;S7;R3;D4 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-68tc6-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 412 | 2.38|4.76 | 14844|12914 | 219869|232247 | -0.95|-0.22 | O10;D16;C17;Q16;K6;Q4;S1;Q5;O6;D4 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-rhgsj-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+25.5 | 505 | 1.93|5.64 | 14951|13921 | 234157|242012 | -1.0|-0.2 | O12;Q4;O16;D16;P7;D4;F11;S14;S6;E4 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-hkxzj-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+20.5 | 437 | 3.15|5.97 | 14806|12338 | 212244|214418 | -1.0|-0.19 | Q11;D4;P16;Q16;H12;Q4;F14;D16;K11;P4 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-fm54d-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 452 | 3.94|5.02 | 14990|12092 | 239193|241809 | -0.94|-0.07 | R16;D16;R2;P14;F9;D4;H14;Q16;B18;Q4 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-vpw9s-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+4.5 | 432 | 3.23|6.04 | 13831|12349 | 224571|235539 | -0.95|-0.19 | Q11;Q4;A6;D4;B2;Q16;L17;C5;P5;D16 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-fwvpr-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 376 | 3.03|4.75 | 15714|13128 | 177860|188380 | -0.95|-0.03 | S15;R4;H16;D4;A7;D16;F13;E5;M12;F14 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-jrktg-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 435 | 2.79|5.48 | 14776|12827 | 229790|263214 | -0.88|0.94 | Q14;D16;Q16;D4;B15;Q4;P1;D15;Q15;E5 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-r4j9v-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 423 | 2.33|4.67 | 14569|12610 | 244451|251593 | -0.86|0.94 | S14;D16;E12;D4;F15;Q4;B1;Q16;A2;Q12 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-p2vnn-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 330 | 2.46|4.74 | 14375|12183 | 157392|162689 | -0.89|-0.11 | Q14;Q4;T9;D4;B10;D16;H11;Q16;F15;M17 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-8qgs6-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 410 | 4.68|4.0 | 14658|12163 | 202284|211968 | -0.95|-0.16 | Q11;Q4;L5;D16;J11;D4;H3;E5;O7;E13 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-zlqmn-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 370 | 3.43|4.39 | 14721|12169 | 176462|184588 | -0.94|0.07 | Q16;D16;M11;Q4;C12;D4;R6;Q7;T10;Q6 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-7lbdx-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 302 | 3.5|5.16 | 14772|12293 | 143657|162279 | -0.94|-0.22 | N13;D16;C14;D4;D18;Q16;S13;C12;E9;Q4 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-4mjwl-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 431 | 3.68|5.1 | 14902|12673 | 227577|253056 | -0.9|0.93 | P14;Q4;R9;E16;J4;D4;Q2;D8;O12;O15 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-4t6nn-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 440 | 2.2|4.25 | 15377|13119 | 260378|252978 | -0.95|0.17 | O14;D16;M10;C1;F15;E15;K4;Q4;T19;D4 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-5vbbg-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 400 | 3.21|4.73 | 15332|12745 | 197828|200445 | -0.93|-0.2 | Q16;D16;H8;D4;C19;Q4;E17;F12;F6;D5 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-5l88b-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+11.5 | 431 | 1.91|4.67 | 15272|14025 | 225543|228975 | -0.86|0.94 | S15;D16;Q10;Q4;J9;D4;T10;Q16;Q6;Q5 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-c4vwr-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+4.5 | 505 | 3.23|3.47 | 14871|13242 | 295651|306247 | -0.86|0.99 | O12;D16;E18;D4;C14;Q16;O6;Q4;G16;E5 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-5mngk-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 396 | 2.89|4.32 | 15181|12557 | 182587|185497 | -0.95|-0.21 | O13;Q4;F19;D16;H6;D4;N4;S14;M19;Q16 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-hnv7r-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 224 | 3.42|5.28 | 15054|12181 | 103033|111601 | -0.93|-0.18 | R15;Q16;M7;Q4;B1;D16;O6;D5;Q15;K8 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-v7bc5-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 248 | 2.54|7.61 | 14805|12781 | 112392|113479 | -0.95|-0.15 | Q12;D4;B6;M3;C7;L4;G10;F14;N2;D15 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-khwxf-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 437 | 2.36|5.39 | 14813|13527 | 236551|249234 | -0.9|0.94 | S10;D16;J10;Q4;P5;E3;Q8;Q16;Q5;D4 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-8zsm5-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 396 | 2.6|3.37 | 15002|12879 | 184526|192859 | -0.92|-0.18 | P11;Q4;H15;Q16;K3;D16;Q15;D5;S7;D4 |
1532120673-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-7bbtj-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+3.5 | 438 | 2.83|4.91 | 14433|12117 | 225024|233926 | -0.94|0.13 | Q11;N16;K14;R2;J5;Q16;H14;D4;R15;P15 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-2pl2r-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 226 | 2.68|4.26 | 14470|12374 | 100175|98659 | -0.95|0.01 | N12;D16;N13;D4;M9;P16;E5;F4;O7;Q15 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-j4njr-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+3.5 | 408 | 2.23|5.24 | 14473|12873 | 204855|219864 | -0.92|-0.02 | Q16;D4;G3;E16;C10;D16;K4;Q4;N1;R12 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-bnjpq-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 433 | 2.61|4.65 | 15200|12166 | 238277|252277 | -0.87|0.94 | S14;D16;Q15;Q4;H15;Q8;C10;D4;T10;O7 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-l4rcr-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 274 | 4.15|3.5 | 15576|12133 | 124642|136329 | -0.94|0.1 | P15;C4;E18;E16;T17;D16;F9;Q4;K17;D4 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-6lzc8-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 390 | 2.9|5.09 | 15012|13240 | 190248|197297 | -0.94|-0.19 | S17;D4;S2;Q16;Q19;P15;K8;D16;M16;N16 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-7r9n2-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+22.5 | 364 | 2.16|4.94 | 14059|12912 | 169188|178453 | -0.95|0.08 | T15;P16;R19;P14;Q1;D16;S1;C7;C9;D4 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-wr8bg-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 445 | 3.67|4.36 | 14754|12243 | 231477|254329 | -0.9|0.89 | P13;Q16;E10;Q4;F17;D16;F15;P4;B19;L16 |
1532120673-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-m85q9-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 444 | 2.89|4.1 | 14623|12796 | 244807|245031 | -0.94|0.21 | Q13;Q16;B4;D4;L5;Q5;C9;Q4;R6;D5 |
1532120680-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-djwmx-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 463 | 2.88|5.72 | 15701|13545 | 285948|308746 | -0.86|0.94 | R15;D5;F19;A17;T18;E5;D9;D15;O2;Q16 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-kmwrp-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 419 | 2.67|4.92 | 14568|12313 | 214844|227032 | -0.89|0.89 | N12;Q4;B11;L19;H12;Q16;G15;D4;O5;D16 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-jx869-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 174 | 3.28|2.3 | 17345|12104 | 80623|76478 | -0.95|-0.02 | N12;S4;S8;N15;O5;P3;Q10;C13;L10;P17 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-sw9nk-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 374 | 1.89|5.11 | 15278|13348 | 176490|183599 | -0.94|-0.21 | M12;D4;D9;D16;B4;Q4;P5;D6;E7;Q16 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-2l2ql-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 406 | 2.79|7.04 | 14795|12095 | 207237|218313 | -0.93|0.09 | Q15;S11;N2;P4;E5;D4;H5;D16;A19;Q4 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-p8fj9-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 489 | 2.22|6.32 | 14835|12405 | 249462|255194 | -0.84|0.95 | N11;Q4;B15;F3;C2;D4;K5;D5;M11;R9 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-mk2rz-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+50.5 | 442 | 2.53|4.54 | 14645|12428 | 205733|212061 | -1.0|-0.17 | M10;Q16;K11;D4;R17;D16;D9;Q4;N11;L9 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-kbl9b-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 436 | 2.39|7.52 | 14404|12106 | 211120|221722 | -0.94|-0.19 | R10;Q16;F3;D15;H16;D16;F1;D4;R6;P14 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-qsqc8-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 280 | 3.23|4.55 | 14548|12941 | 127288|130696 | -0.94|-0.2 | R14;Q16;K4;D4;F4;Q4;P16;D16;R13;O11 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-bff4m-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 426 | 2.79|5.92 | 14163|13007 | 218604|224745 | -0.94|-0.0 | P11;D16;R8;D4;N9;Q4;N8;H5;R7;D5 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-w8zd9-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 481 | 3.73|6.23 | 14403|12380 | 247131|272046 | -0.89|0.91 | T15;D15;O11;D16;K14;Q16;Q19;Q4;M4;K13 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-vqlt7-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+31.5 | 457 | 2.66|5.38 | 14972|13087 | 211415|222640 | -1.0|-0.21 | T13;Q16;H9;P5;P10;O16;D3;Q4;B9;D4 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-fmhs2-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+2.5 | 435 | 2.2|5.28 | 16171|12354 | 235700|237519 | -1.0|0.25 | N11;S19;A19;F11;M15;H3;A2;T14;J12;O3 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-2l2ql-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 320 | 2.07|5.74 | 15108|12851 | 148583|161331 | -0.95|-0.14 | O13;Q16;D6;Q4;F8;D16;K3;D4;K18;E6 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-2zr2k-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+0.5 | 453 | 2.12|5.35 | 14607|12786 | 252983|250227 | -0.99|0.07 | N11;D16;N12;Q4;J4;Q16;J17;F12;S7;P9 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-4nsvr-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 390 | 3.78|5.82 | 14252|12068 | 184003|188661 | -0.95|-0.19 | R15;D16;E13;D4;R12;Q16;G14;Q4;K10;B6 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-jpqvr-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 421 | 2.49|6.15 | 14358|12217 | 244088|248924 | -0.87|0.93 | P14;D5;Q3;D16;H19;F4;E4;D4;B10;P5 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-zv8hq-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+30.5 | 372 | 3.14|3.84 | 14584|12201 | 168347|169939 | -1.0|-0.21 | Q15;Q4;T14;D4;N10;D16;J9;Q16;A12;P5 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-p2vnn-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 458 | 2.87|5.35 | 16163|12894 | 218748|221938 | -0.94|-0.13 | R10;D4;K2;H5;D18;Q16;P16;Q19;J18;Q15 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-qz6l9-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+3.5 | 486 | 2.73|5.28 | 14996|13361 | 252905|271257 | -0.86|1.0 | S10;Q16;N7;Q15;E2;B7;H2;P4;T14;Q5 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-hxh4n-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 345 | 3.55|5.93 | 14067|13198 | 194329|205516 | -0.82|0.84 | S14;Q4;C17;Q16;H19;D5;S17;C13;T9;D16 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-2n97d-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+4.5 | 374 | 2.79|4.59 | 14509|13917 | 173708|179416 | -0.94|-0.19 | R15;Q16;S9;D4;O12;D16;B2;Q15;Q3;Q4 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-n27g9-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+15.5 | 380 | 2.68|5.41 | 14354|12436 | 197212|207914 | -0.97|-0.16 | S12;Q16;C19;Q4;K6;D4;A16;Q15;O6;D16 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-crm6b-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 172 | 2.48|5.04 | 16429|12425 | 79945|74608 | -0.94|-0.28 | T18;D4;C1;Q8;P13;Q7;E3;K11;C14;R16 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-fgbdq-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+12.5 | 404 | 2.63|6.15 | 15121|13141 | 196843|202414 | -0.94|-0.22 | P12;Q16;F11;Q4;Q15;D16;N19;M16;E2;P16 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-2rl4c-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 400 | 2.79|5.55 | 15147|13214 | 213946|222856 | -0.95|-0.21 | T16;D16;O4;Q16;C3;Q4;T18;F12;D6;Q9 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-2bpm7-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+60.5 | 444 | 2.49|7.03 | 14604|12209 | 208924|215128 | -1.0|-0.17 | O12;D16;L7;Q16;J2;D4;Q7;P2;D7;F5 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-n686f-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+16.5 | 424 | 3.39|4.93 | 15238|13620 | 208840|219669 | -0.99|-0.15 | R16;D4;K5;D16;M14;Q4;M18;Q16;O6;D15 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-zrwth-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 318 | 2.52|6.17 | 14824|12298 | 145223|151834 | -0.95|-0.21 | Q11;Q4;N17;D4;B14;D16;O3;Q16;C15;S4 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-n686f-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 445 | 2.38|4.12 | 15033|12718 | 238763|259838 | -0.92|0.86 | T19;Q16;A9;Q4;B12;D4;Q13;N4;F14;D16 |
1532120673-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-w5992-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 276 | 3.4|5.3 | 14937|12314 | 126123|126664 | -0.95|-0.2 | T16;Q4;O9;D16;F15;L6;T8;D15;P15;Q5 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-djwmx-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 344 | 2.2|5.34 | 14033|12547 | 165539|176185 | -0.93|-0.07 | N12;D4;N15;Q4;J19;D16;H14;Q16;E14;N4 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-psqjb-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 326 | 3.34|5.2 | 14352|12102 | 154068|155978 | -0.88|-0.06 | O11;Q4;J16;D16;C3;Q16;H8;D5;G8;D4 |
1532120673-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-kgdb7-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+19.5 | 503 | 2.64|4.77 | 15009|13754 | 234745|240635 | -1.0|-0.06 | R12;E4;H19;Q16;O16;D4;A15;D16;P18;Q4 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-rcqb2-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 463 | 3.23|5.64 | 15095|12662 | 265987|268673 | -0.84|0.93 | T13;M19;E2;F19;C15;E5;J14;C4;C12;Q16 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-mz8sv-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 402 | 3.07|4.23 | 14330|12517 | 216382|224462 | -0.94|-0.19 | Q14;D16;N4;Q4;S12;D4;P19;Q16;M8;M5 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-h4btd-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 362 | 3.37|5.31 | 15371|12363 | 166159|166469 | -0.94|0.09 | Q15;B15;K4;P4;N10;T15;D6;D16;L12;R5 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-r5mdj-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 479 | 2.16|5.12 | 14579|12800 | 279911|281705 | -0.85|0.94 | Q12;Q16;J5;D4;O9;Q4;L6;O16;Q7;E4 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-vf54w-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 290 | 3.18|4.85 | 14887|12545 | 134541|135402 | -0.94|-0.21 | N10;D16;B5;Q16;B12;P15;B10;D4;K7;B8 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-wxmjq-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 503 | 2.63|3.09 | 15151|12950 | 255267|262216 | -0.87|0.93 | O11;D16;B3;Q4;F6;Q16;G6;D4;H2;P15 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-lwbkg-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 377 | 2.54|5.13 | 15088|13057 | 208146|214475 | -0.86|0.95 | P15;D16;K8;O4;J1;Q4;F13;C7;H12;D5 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-ptv8t-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+6.5 | 471 | 3.19|5.17 | 15116|12124 | 221842|229388 | -1.0|-0.19 | Q12;D17;S18;P16;K14;Q16;N9;D4;J13;E16 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-6bpg6-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+68.5 | 448 | 3.27|2.6 | 19049|12973 | 218767|222155 | -1.0|0.06 | Q14;L19;D2;J12;D12;G2;J1;O19;A3;R10 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-f56zt-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+5.5 | 421 | 3.98|5.01 | 15165|12741 | 212900|223046 | -1.0|-0.21 | P10;D16;C18;Q4;F17;Q16;O1;O16;H19;D4 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-2lrz9-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 308 | 3.21|5.62 | 15117|12132 | 139758|141618 | -0.94|-0.18 | S15;D16;G15;Q16;F5;J2;Q6;Q4;E19;D4 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-vq8lp-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 442 | 2.51|5.25 | 14527|12851 | 242852|245465 | -0.95|0.22 | S15;C8;N6;Q16;B3;D4;B1;D16;F6;Q4 |
1532120673-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-lwbkg-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 410 | 1.85|5.63 | 14060|13098 | 198988|207964 | -0.94|-0.22 | M11;D4;O18;Q4;T2;Q16;L3;D16;J7;O4 |
1532120678-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-48c9h-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 250 | 2.81|5.46 | 14119|12102 | 114031|136136 | -0.9|-0.06 | O12;P16;T15;F17;G8;Q16;H4;D3;N6;E16 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-n27g9-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 216 | 3.12|4.77 | 16439|12178 | 98603|93422 | -0.95|0.09 | T15;M3;B13;Q4;E1;C5;K8;D15;B16;H17 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-v7bc5-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+1.5 | 456 | 2.92|5.42 | 15159|12767 | 271461|276048 | -0.85|0.97 | R14;D16;O6;Q16;B13;D4;B16;Q4;G4;R17 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-qsqc8-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 357 | 2.54|6.29 | 15104|14279 | 206421|209033 | -0.84|0.94 | P12;C12;C16;Q16;H17;Q4;C3;D16;C13;P5 |
1532120677-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-8dwk4-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 388 | 1.98|5.25 | 14282|12265 | 192355|203483 | -0.95|0.07 | L10;P16;R7;D4;Q9;Q16;B5;D16;E1;Q4 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-f5qk5-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+7.5 | 492 | 2.55|5.34 | 14606|12125 | 247740|255479 | -0.87|0.99 | S18;D16;C1;M8;M10;Q16;J5;Q4;H2;D4 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-v7bc5-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 412 | 2.61|3.79 | 15486|12178 | 211144|225511 | -0.95|-0.06 | M11;Q5;D12;D16;E5;Q4;L13;E16;D14;P8 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-pszph-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 252 | 3.1|6.04 | 14257|12217 | 112815|121624 | -0.95|-0.1 | N11;Q16;E16;Q4;K18;D5;G16;E4;Q12;D15 |
1532120676-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-zq9q2-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 174 | 3.51|6.18 | 16429|12112 | 80853|74797 | -0.95|0.02 | S17;B3;B14;D14;J7;F10;N15;R16;K17;Q3 |
1532120675-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-cpfkj-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+124.5 | 505 | 2.99|4.89 | 14334|12710 | 229792|234778 | -1.0|-0.17 | P11;D4;S1;D16;E4;E5;C5;Q4;F5;D5 |
1532120674-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-8krq2-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 406 | 2.28|6.34 | 14013|12123 | 189561|196703 | -0.93|0.08 | O11;D5;G18;Q3;D1;Q15;L19;Q16;S11;D4 |
1532120672-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-tqzld-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 304 | 1.95|6.78 | 14589|13166 | 136634|148746 | -0.95|-0.19 | O12;D16;F2;E8;A1;D4;P15;R11;O9;Q16 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-4nsvr-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 390 | 3.78|5.82 | 14252|12068 | 184003|188661 | -0.95|-0.19 | R15;D16;E13;D4;R12;Q16;G14;Q4;K10;B6 |
1532120671-tpu-player-deployment-5fd67df94d-5l88b-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+11.5 | 431 | 1.91|4.67 | 15272|14025 | 225543|228975 | -0.86|0.94 | S15;D16;Q10;Q4;J9;D4;T10;Q16;Q6;Q5 |
1532120679-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-ptv8t-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+6.5 | 471 | 3.19|5.17 | 15116|12124 | 221842|229388 | -1.0|-0.19 | Q12;D17;S18;P16;K14;Q16;N9;D4;J13;E16 |
1532120680-tpu-player-deployment-675885fc6b-djwmx-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 463 | 2.88|5.72 | 15701|13545 | 285948|308746 | -0.86|0.94 | R15;D5;F19;A17;T18;E5;D9;D15;O2;Q16 |