Stats for 000108-delfe | More stats coming soon(tm) | ||||
Part of v11 (20x256): Experiment: Q=draw | |||||
Created 2018-09-16 22:27 | Last updated 2018-09-25 09:11 | ||||
Played 38098 self-play games | 1009 debug games loaded | 126 evaluation games played |
All stats taken from games where perspective won | Player | Wins | Wins by resign | Wins by result | Sum win margin | Holdout games | Bad resigns | Unluckiness Sum of soft-n for all moves above move choosen |
Number moves From both players, but only in games won by Player |
Sum move visits From both players, but only in games won by Player |
all | 38098 (100.0%) | 34238 (89.9%) | 3860 | 42776 | 0 | 0 | 0.102 | 6417923 (168.5 per game) | (15 visits to top node per move) | ||
black | 8333 (21.9%) | 7279 (87.4%) | 1054 | 10558 | 0 | 0 | 0.111 | 2232048 (267.9 per game) | (16 visits to top node per move) | ||
white | 29765 (78.1%) | 26959 (90.6%) | 2806 | 32218 | 0 | 0 | 0.099 | 4185875 (140.6 per game) | (14 visits to top node per move) | ||
black luckiest game 0.0 unluck | white luckiest game 0.0 unluck | black+white luckiest game 0.0 unluck |
100 Random games | Debug (hover headers for definition) | Name | Viewer | Raw SGF | Debug (commented) SGF | Results | Moves |
Sum of soft-n for moves ranked higher than selected move (summed over first thiry moves)
Sum visits (first 30 moves)
Number of visits per side to top MCTS move (black count|white count)
Sum visits (all moves) |
Bleakest eval
Worst eval during the game by (black|white)
| Opening
First ten moves of game
1537138818-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qhzrv-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 30 | 1.85|1.44 | 443|10850 | 443|10850 | -0.91|-0.63 | Q12;Q4;G9;D4;Q13;D16;N13;Q16;D13;D14 |
1537138846-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cbbtb-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 327 | 4.71|0.55 | 2412|11082 | 118361|103040 | -0.67|0.95 | Q13;Q4;P7;D4;M7;D16;F18;Q16;E8;F16 |
1537138816-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-q97fs-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 247 | 4.07|0.54 | 1830|10769 | 88052|109787 | -0.75|0.95 | S12;D16;S19;Q4;K14;D4;R8;Q16;M19;O16 |
1537138831-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fhh7v-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 24 | 0.97|0.85 | 175|8668 | 175|8668 | -0.91|-0.69 | T10;Q16;T6;D16;Q3;D4;K18;Q4;L4;P3 |
1537138856-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-vx6zt-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 179 | 2.92|1.98 | 1059|10217 | 69414|81984 | -0.66|0.94 | O11;D16;D4;Q4;Q11;Q16;E12;E4;G7;A8 |
1537138811-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bmlm6-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 118 | 2.13|0.0 | 699|9980 | 5140|45270 | -0.9|-0.47 | T17;D16;P9;D4;D14;Q4;H17;Q16;O19;H16 |
1537138858-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-nb487-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 210 | 2.35|3.55 | 663|9341 | 60808|112058 | -0.66|0.13 | P14;Q4;D9;D16;G17;D4;E16;E15;H6;Q16 |
1537138807-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rd7z8-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 193 | 2.77|1.53 | 1137|10770 | 56661|90884 | -0.66|0.95 | R12;D4;L7;D16;F10;Q16;Q17;Q4;N6;P17 |
1537138852-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-snthw-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+24.5 | 312 | 3.98|2.64 | 1491|10194 | 8803|100109 | -0.99|-0.48 | S14;D4;P8;D16;N4;Q4;D2;Q16;K9;O4 |
1537138849-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-nkcpm-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 278 | 3.49|0.58 | 2529|11113 | 77647|144250 | -0.91|0.19 | L11;D16;B17;D4;M7;Q16;G2;Q4;A11;D6 |
1537138858-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ncsnb-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 44 | 1.81|2.52 | 369|10309 | 504|14907 | -0.94|-0.69 | T10;Q16;S2;D4;F10;D16;R11;Q4;J18;O16 |
1537138802-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fh5ms-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 206 | 2.33|3.88 | 763|9758 | 40812|97684 | -0.94|0.22 | S12;Q4;H14;D4;D10;Q16;E5;D16;E15;D15 |
1537138830-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rmmg2-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 44 | 1.59|1.54 | 438|9462 | 574|14681 | -0.95|-0.67 | T16;D4;O19;Q4;J10;D16;L13;Q16;C3;D3 |
1537138800-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-8r74q-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+9.5 | 475 | 3.67|0.9 | 2501|11438 | 31097|175588 | -1.0|-0.27 | S15;Q4;M10;D4;K10;D16;M17;Q16;N7;Q14 |
1537138871-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-v9crm-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+3.5 | 453 | 2.63|0.37 | 1139|10534 | 16240|152006 | -1.0|-0.4 | T13;D4;S2;D16;N7;Q16;D10;Q4;G14;Q6 |
1537138849-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-w89hp-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 257 | 1.55|1.58 | 335|10441 | 88906|98693 | -0.87|0.91 | Q10;Q16;S8;D16;T19;D4;F19;Q4;S16;R17 |
1537138817-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hpc9s-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 209 | 2.14|2.51 | 759|9842 | 80043|64459 | -0.66|0.94 | M12;D16;J7;Q16;C18;D4;G12;Q4;Q11;F16 |
1537138824-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cbgk5-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 70 | 2.05|1.46 | 574|9854 | 1607|25174 | -0.94|-0.31 | P11;D4;Q13;Q4;S2;D16;G5;Q16;C11;O4 |
1537138821-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-4k2nh-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 174 | 2.13|2.14 | 601|10271 | 16263|77889 | -0.95|-0.3 | P15;D16;N11;Q4;B14;D4;O16;Q15;G5;P14 |
1537138870-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-26kcv-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 32 | 1.48|0.77 | 293|10560 | 309|11189 | -0.94|-0.61 | P13;Q4;C14;D4;K2;D16;S3;Q16;E12;D14 |
1537138844-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-w9sbq-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 216 | 2.35|0.51 | 766|11060 | 50150|106985 | -0.88|0.18 | T16;D16;S7;D4;S10;Q4;D9;Q16;O18;O16 |
1537138813-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gcs7d-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 235 | 2.72|3.01 | 1282|9472 | 84403|93202 | -0.67|0.95 | N12;D4;K6;Q4;D9;B3;K8;D16;J3;Q16 |
1537138817-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mfr48-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+15.5 | 443 | 3.65|0.94 | 2401|11513 | 40635|170648 | -0.99|-0.14 | Q13;Q4;C10;D4;P17;D16;O14;P16;M15;Q17 |
1537138860-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jd2np-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 172 | 2.29|1.98 | 577|10710 | 8172|68669 | -0.9|-0.43 | Q15;D16;O5;D4;M1;Q16;C8;P15;B11;Q4 |
1537138875-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-m7r8v-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 60 | 2.57|2.92 | 777|9604 | 1278|20970 | -0.84|-0.38 | P11;Q4;R16;D4;J18;D16;N14;Q16;C3;R15 |
1537138816-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-sgrf2-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 34 | 0.99|2.06 | 233|9060 | 261|10409 | -0.93|-0.66 | S16;Q4;H5;D4;G19;D16;G6;Q16;L17;Q14 |
1537138804-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2qnpd-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 32 | 1.12|1.46 | 240|9757 | 247|10257 | -0.94|-0.64 | S13;Q4;L10;D4;P14;D16;T18;Q16;B13;Q14 |
1537138802-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-6966r-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 24 | 0.96|1.75 | 167|8021 | 167|8021 | -0.87|-0.7 | T13;D16;A9;D4;P14;Q4;E19;Q16;K13;Q14 |
1537138829-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-sm8dv-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 174 | 1.6|0.66 | 483|10559 | 7048|69233 | -0.9|-0.47 | S11;Q4;D6;D16;K14;Q16;O11;D4;S8;E6 |
1537138874-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hshkg-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 166 | 2.27|1.65 | 1010|10216 | 14489|70690 | -0.94|-0.11 | R15;Q4;O11;D16;J5;D4;A15;Q15;H9;B4 |
1537138826-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hvrml-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 388 | 4.13|1.82 | 2313|10642 | 165052|157090 | -0.95|0.92 | P11;Q16;P17;Q4;C4;D16;E3;S12;Q19;D4 |
1537138859-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pl8tz-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 353 | 2.76|4.47 | 732|9604 | 86831|151030 | -0.95|0.92 | O11;Q16;J5;Q4;G10;D4;H10;D16;L18;F16 |
1537138827-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-98tsm-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 165 | 2.06|3.99 | 421|10170 | 31453|60575 | -0.77|0.94 | M12;D16;K18;D4;N18;Q4;A5;Q16;N9;Q14 |
1537138857-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hgmdf-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 26 | 0.97|0.53 | 170|8784 | 170|8784 | -0.95|-0.67 | Q15;D16;F1;Q4;A11;D4;L2;Q16;C15;P15 |
1537138827-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-g77nk-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 350 | 3.94|1.67 | 2125|10558 | 91109|198026 | -0.95|0.31 | P15;D16;N2;D4;O2;Q4;C5;D5;L18;Q15 |
1537138870-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-srlxx-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 28 | 1.29|1.04 | 264|9438 | 264|9438 | -0.95|-0.63 | S17;Q4;H12;D4;S11;D16;R15;Q15;D2;R14 |
1537138860-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gfkd8-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 192 | 1.5|0.0 | 314|10019 | 11954|79433 | -0.89|-0.35 | N10;D16;P18;D4;Q5;Q16;O13;Q4;B19;P5 |
1537138851-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-8x4h5-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 144 | 2.54|0.45 | 794|10027 | 20536|59107 | -0.93|0.13 | O12;Q4;G1;Q16;M13;D16;H16;D4;P18;P17 |
1537138863-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pq5zg-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 40 | 1.43|2.5 | 273|9851 | 346|13510 | -0.95|-0.65 | R17;D16;M10;D4;G1;Q4;R4;Q16;R11;R5 |
1537138863-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fdbxj-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 28 | 1.41|1.37 | 307|9519 | 307|9519 | -0.92|-0.65 | T16;Q4;C6;D16;N12;Q16;E10;D4;P10;D6 |
1537138802-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bk49j-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 244 | 3.36|2.51 | 2263|11512 | 89780|96636 | -0.91|0.66 | S13;D4;J5;Q4;O15;C3;P12;D16;M15;Q16 |
1537138825-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qmhpn-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 197 | 3.2|2.63 | 1596|8809 | 72001|36467 | -0.66|0.93 | R11;D4;K15;Q4;L3;D16;S9;K19;C18;Q16 |
1537138845-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-h5dpc-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 30 | 1.44|1.96 | 292|10376 | 292|10376 | -0.89|-0.65 | S15;Q4;N2;D16;L5;D4;A8;Q16;C3;C4 |
1537138829-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-47nsv-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 104 | 2.2|0.62 | 757|10311 | 4687|40539 | -0.93|-0.34 | R14;Q4;N15;D16;Q12;D4;M6;Q16;D18;Q14 |
1537138849-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pz8n9-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 24 | 0.88|1.13 | 135|7669 | 135|7669 | -0.94|-0.65 | O13;D16;O19;Q4;F1;D4;L19;Q16;H14;O16 |
1537138802-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-n2qsl-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 217 | 2.45|0.0 | 833|10679 | 67267|73931 | -0.76|0.93 | R15;Q4;J9;D4;O4;D16;F14;Q15;B5;R16 |
1537138858-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-n6266-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+6.5 | 390 | 3.21|1.27 | 1161|10273 | 48470|165675 | -0.99|-0.03 | R16;D16;L8;D4;A18;Q4;B11;Q16;H6;R15 |
1537138801-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rgdrc-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 346 | 4.61|1.26 | 2682|10904 | 105347|175427 | -0.95|0.63 | S13;D16;L17;Q4;D4;Q16;C13;E4;J4;D5 |
1537138816-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xw7q5-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 199 | 2.46|1.54 | 907|10384 | 39026|57821 | -0.79|0.94 | T17;D4;M1;D16;K12;Q4;B2;Q16;G2;D6 |
1537138837-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-dd6ds-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 198 | 1.85|0.47 | 1187|10147 | 38088|91335 | -0.94|0.14 | P12;Q4;H9;Q16;M5;D16;M10;D4;O7;M4 |
1537138874-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qz4zf-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 400 | 1.85|1.76 | 418|10512 | 138093|216089 | -0.94|0.94 | Q15;D4;C1;Q4;R11;E12;A11;Q16;G12;P15 |
1537138856-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qxdrn-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 255 | 4.78|3.56 | 3018|10412 | 58081|112131 | -0.92|0.9 | R12;S19;N10;D16;K4;M7;L3;D4;R14;Q4 |
1537138837-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-sqsp2-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 245 | 4.47|1.06 | 2749|10693 | 45915|106275 | -0.9|0.89 | P11;D16;A7;D4;L3;Q4;L5;Q16;R7;Q7 |
1537138839-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-nkcpm-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 30 | 1.01|0.0 | 191|9541 | 191|9541 | -0.93|-0.72 | T17;D16;H2;Q4;T1;D4;L7;Q16;H10;D6 |
1537138801-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-969fr-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 307 | 4.34|1.77 | 2876|10668 | 104149|99413 | -0.69|0.93 | S18;D16;O17;Q4;G14;D4;L17;O16;L10;P17 |
1537138845-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-5hhzs-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 233 | 2.31|4.41 | 503|10287 | 60566|82285 | -0.8|0.9 | O12;D4;B9;D16;E7;Q4;G15;Q16;A10;F4 |
1537138807-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xbjxp-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 32 | 1.06|3.41 | 178|9726 | 188|10471 | -0.94|-0.71 | T14;D16;B19;D4;F18;Q4;P4;P5;G1;Q16 |
1537138848-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-kpnz5-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 225 | 1.72|2.35 | 415|10407 | 35017|101149 | -0.85|0.88 | P12;Q4;T8;Q16;Q19;D4;L5;D16;R13;Q13 |
1537138842-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-kwjw4-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 279 | 3.25|2.18 | 2339|11138 | 68902|125343 | -0.93|0.95 | R13;D16;H14;D4;G9;Q16;R3;Q4;F15;Q3 |
1537138833-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-j4ctc-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 34 | 1.39|1.71 | 252|10641 | 290|12277 | -0.93|-0.65 | Q15;D4;H2;Q4;K2;D16;A16;Q16;R8;P15 |
1537138870-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-tcj52-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 84 | 2.79|3.06 | 1064|10416 | 2074|29537 | -0.95|-0.12 | Q11;D4;J8;D16;N18;Q4;N3;Q16;B14;D14 |
1537138834-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xtw5g-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 265 | 2.81|3.98 | 1125|10628 | 62602|99100 | -0.78|0.89 | S16;D4;P9;Q4;D5;D16;S2;E5;T3;Q16 |
1537138864-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-plw5h-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 38 | 1.19|1.48 | 195|10367 | 241|12844 | -0.94|-0.7 | T15;Q4;Q13;D4;M13;D16;J19;Q16;A17;Q14 |
1537138826-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ttfz7-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 193 | 2.23|0.0 | 738|10606 | 50095|85750 | -0.71|0.94 | T13;D16;P13;D4;N2;Q4;E13;Q16;P3;P4 |
1537138802-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mfr48-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 44 | 1.16|2.41 | 267|10881 | 382|16076 | -0.89|-0.65 | T12;D4;G17;Q4;F10;Q16;N5;D16;A17;G16 |
1537138830-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-sl76m-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 196 | 1.93|3.96 | 572|10604 | 41890|85251 | -0.9|0.2 | R16;Q4;R7;D16;F6;Q16;E2;D4;O4;O5 |
1537138839-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-dd6ds-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 299 | 4.71|2.14 | 2248|10288 | 40974|124540 | -0.91|0.95 | S12;Q4;D8;D16;M8;Q16;K7;D4;H10;F4 |
1537138856-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gqlfs-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 211 | 1.84|3.16 | 712|10749 | 68994|56407 | -0.72|0.94 | R14;D16;F11;Q4;S15;D4;H11;C13;H1;Q16 |
1537138838-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cpnnz-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 235 | 3.7|2.13 | 2389|10819 | 38459|79444 | -0.88|0.94 | S14;D4;L5;D16;F5;Q4;O10;Q16;H14;F4 |
1537138807-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hrtjh-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+4.5 | 597 | 1.76|2.15 | 415|8702 | 34746|206671 | -1.0|-0.31 | N12;D16;T4;D4;K17;Q16;S3;Q4;H2;Q6 |
1537138867-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-q4j54-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 34 | 3.42|0.0 | 1530|10703 | 1571|12335 | -0.94|-0.24 | R12;Q4;N11;D4;O18;D16;G17;Q16;J15;O16 |
1537138808-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-8smvh-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 192 | 2.25|3.23 | 718|9820 | 53843|73274 | -0.95|0.19 | P13;Q4;B11;S13;D9;D4;L3;D16;O6;Q16 |
1537138855-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bh7zt-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 38 | 1.18|0.6 | 198|9921 | 257|12938 | -0.94|-0.66 | Q14;Q4;S13;D4;A10;D16;F7;Q15;B15;P14 |
1537138829-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mnlp7-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 48 | 2.24|3.27 | 883|10174 | 1186|16722 | -0.89|-0.5 | T12;D16;N6;Q3;D13;Q16;L7;D4;F15;F16 |
1537138823-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ztsb7-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 254 | 3.71|1.2 | 2666|11417 | 92263|92265 | -0.67|0.7 | M10;D16;G3;Q4;Q10;D4;N5;Q16;P5;Q5 |
1537138833-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-6966r-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 215 | 2.41|0.0 | 890|10282 | 53795|96526 | -0.82|0.89 | R11;Q4;M4;D4;J11;Q16;C4;D16;N8;C5 |
1537138833-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cdxfl-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 300 | 4.15|1.58 | 3288|11671 | 88250|122584 | -0.92|0.92 | Q12;D16;K15;Q16;J4;Q4;J5;D4;E12;D12 |
1537138819-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-vxzld-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 184 | 1.84|2.55 | 424|9934 | 29124|86619 | -0.87|0.01 | N10;D16;C14;Q16;M19;Q4;L11;D4;P6;Q6 |
1537138830-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xbgbv-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 395 | 1.44|4.25 | 261|6914 | 168850|150003 | -0.64|0.95 | S18;D16;B5;Q4;J3;G7;L13;P7;R10;C8 |
1537138834-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jr4sf-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 32 | 1.44|0.99 | 356|10356 | 370|11106 | -0.91|-0.58 | P15;D16;F14;D4;F11;R6;D17;E17;E15;C17 |
1537138871-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-t9sfn-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 34 | 1.56|2.34 | 297|9819 | 329|11317 | -0.94|-0.66 | T13;Q4;M16;D4;D17;Q16;O16;D16;L6;E17 |
1537138870-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-nctsl-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 30 | 1.16|0.8 | 236|9934 | 236|9934 | -0.93|-0.64 | M12;D16;Q6;D4;T5;Q16;B13;Q5;N1;P6 |
1537138839-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jvfj2-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+0.5 | 420 | 2.99|0.95 | 2299|11492 | 157149|187365 | -0.94|0.86 | S10;Q4;C2;Q16;S4;D16;F16;D4;D6;E6 |
1537138808-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-tb4nl-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 290 | 4.44|1.95 | 2809|10598 | 105313|114604 | -0.67|0.58 | Q12;Q4;G11;L12;H13;D4;N3;Q10;J7;D16 |
1537138848-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-npfc9-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 244 | 2.78|0.66 | 1184|10667 | 77601|115262 | -0.74|0.18 | T15;Q4;M4;D4;L14;D16;A1;Q16;O11;Q14 |
1537138850-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-27vds-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 30 | 1.15|4.91 | 173|10363 | 173|10363 | -0.94|-0.68 | T15;D3;P11;D16;N2;Q16;S1;Q4;T10;O4 |
1537138800-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mmj9m-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 28 | 1.13|2.83 | 218|9424 | 218|9424 | -0.95|-0.62 | S14;D16;S11;D4;P3;Q16;H18;P4;S13;O3 |
1537138827-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-x7rs8-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 203 | 2.15|2.53 | 668|10436 | 68059|56830 | -0.9|0.89 | O14;D16;K4;H10;A12;D4;H13;Q4;N3;Q16 |
1537138850-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-lg8sh-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 241 | 2.97|2.11 | 3090|10808 | 75102|102523 | -0.85|0.91 | Q12;Q4;E9;D16;H5;Q16;E15;D4;P5;P4 |
1537138841-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-b5rjx-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 331 | 3.51|3.76 | 2441|10038 | 101980|172526 | -0.94|0.77 | Q10;Q16;L10;Q4;H12;D4;G15;D16;G6;D14 |
1537138862-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-w89hp-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+10.5 | 399 | 2.9|0.88 | 1414|11009 | 26151|149742 | -0.99|-0.17 | T18;D16;F15;D4;M9;Q4;R16;Q16;R17;R15 |
1537138820-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-588rn-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 46 | 1.58|0.99 | 296|10018 | 427|15365 | -0.93|-0.67 | T12;D4;O2;D16;M11;Q16;F16;Q4;G13;F15 |
1537138817-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-dd6ds-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 102 | 1.8|0.72 | 458|10526 | 4572|40007 | -0.91|-0.31 | P13;Q4;P11;D4;B6;D16;B19;Q16;P5;Q5 |
1537138813-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jvbkx-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 291 | 3.39|0.0 | 3150|11703 | 92270|89195 | -0.67|0.94 | Q14;Q4;F2;D16;S13;D4;D11;Q16;H16;P14 |
1537138853-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-s6v74-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 269 | 4.01|2.11 | 2486|10928 | 80919|103291 | -0.67|0.93 | S15;D4;O2;D16;J16;Q4;H15;Q16;D6;E6 |
1537138862-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bxbvd-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 96 | 1.84|1.52 | 912|10885 | 2896|36493 | -0.91|-0.35 | S13;D16;O15;D4;M8;Q4;F10;Q16;T4;O16 |
1537138800-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-8r74q-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+9.5 | 475 | 3.67|0.9 | 2501|11438 | 31097|175588 | -1.0|-0.27 | S15;Q4;M10;D4;K10;D16;M17;Q16;N7;Q14 |
1537138800-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mmj9m-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 28 | 1.13|2.83 | 218|9424 | 218|9424 | -0.95|-0.62 | S14;D16;S11;D4;P3;Q16;H18;P4;S13;O3 |
1537138874-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qz4zf-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 400 | 1.85|1.76 | 418|10512 | 138093|216089 | -0.94|0.94 | Q15;D4;C1;Q4;R11;E12;A11;Q16;G12;P15 |
1537138875-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-m7r8v-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 60 | 2.57|2.92 | 777|9604 | 1278|20970 | -0.84|-0.38 | P11;Q4;R16;D4;J18;D16;N14;Q16;C3;R15 |