Stats for 000068-san-josef | More stats coming soon(tm) | ||||
Part of v11 (20x256): Experiment: Q=draw | |||||
Created 2018-09-16 08:51 | Last updated 2018-09-25 09:11 | ||||
Played 32414 self-play games | 1318 debug games loaded | 132 evaluation games played |
All stats taken from games where perspective won | Player | Wins | Wins by resign | Wins by result | Sum win margin | Holdout games | Bad resigns | Unluckiness Sum of soft-n for all moves above move choosen |
Number moves From both players, but only in games won by Player |
Sum move visits From both players, but only in games won by Player |
all | 32414 (100.0%) | 29317 (90.4%) | 3097 | 19299.5 | 0 | 0 | 0.304 | 9115444 (281.2 per game) | (20 visits to top node per move) | ||
black | 12067 (37.2%) | 10883 (90.2%) | 1184 | 6630 | 0 | 0 | 0.302 | 3821383 (316.7 per game) | (22 visits to top node per move) | ||
white | 20347 (62.8%) | 18434 (90.6%) | 1913 | 12669.5 | 0 | 0 | 0.305 | 5294061 (260.2 per game) | (19 visits to top node per move) | ||
black luckiest game 0.0 unluck | white luckiest game 0.0 unluck | black+white luckiest game 0.0 unluck |
100 Random games | Debug (hover headers for definition) | Name | Viewer | Raw SGF | Debug (commented) SGF | Results | Moves |
Sum of soft-n for moves ranked higher than selected move (summed over first thiry moves)
Sum visits (first 30 moves)
Number of visits per side to top MCTS move (black count|white count)
Sum visits (all moves) |
Bleakest eval
Worst eval during the game by (black|white)
| Opening
First ten moves of game
1537089510-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rqm8q-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 282 | 4.28|3.66 | 2396|5261 | 24175|88956 | -0.83|0.05 | K10;S10;L11;F1;L2;N17;J9;Q3;K14;G4 |
1537089495-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fbhjm-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 356 | 2.9|4.65 | 2119|5068 | 99575|131898 | -0.85|0.45 | K10;P15;J11;O8;L11;L14;J9;O9;L19;O10 |
1537089531-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-5wc2k-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 339 | 3.62|3.16 | 2990|5228 | 91089|104972 | -0.75|0.84 | K10;Q11;L11;A1;J9;Q4;J11;D15;L9;R6 |
1537089493-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-dd2fq-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 256 | 3.01|4.65 | 2392|6660 | 73859|83747 | -0.65|0.45 | K10;S17;L11;F17;J9;C16;A13;R13;L9;D3 |
1537089528-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-tvg5m-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 385 | 2.98|4.38 | 2490|7262 | 135858|141736 | -0.72|0.85 | K10;R16;L9;Q12;O10;Q17;L11;C6;G9;J5 |
1537089453-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gkd2c-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 259 | 3.0|2.22 | 1529|5500 | 64767|40541 | -0.4|0.84 | K10;R14;L9;C4;L8;Q3;O19;D11;S16;P8 |
1537089450-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fhh7v-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 307 | 2.98|7.34 | 1801|6547 | 63370|81553 | -0.8|0.82 | K10;P13;L11;Q4;D13;R17;O7;J15;S1;O13 |
1537089537-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-v4wpr-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 250 | 1.66|3.64 | 1893|6680 | 22991|76343 | -0.85|0.18 | K10;Q16;J11;D5;J9;G4;T2;D14;O5;S7 |
1537089508-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-w9xp6-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 272 | 1.77|3.95 | 2192|6463 | 44826|86937 | -0.82|0.19 | K10;R14;J11;N8;J9;D6;E10;P13;L9;Q4 |
1537089462-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-dc5r7-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 330 | 2.37|4.79 | 1253|5941 | 101228|115730 | -0.83|0.46 | K10;P14;L9;P16;O13;R17;T16;D7;Q15;P18 |
1537089574-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-x7rs8-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 404 | 2.65|4.61 | 1811|7094 | 88936|153152 | -0.84|0.51 | K10;P14;J11;Q8;C11;D5;E6;R16;L9;D13 |
1537089485-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gp6tk-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 376 | 3.04|2.09 | 1695|5469 | 94529|108609 | -0.75|0.58 | K10;R17;L11;E5;R12;R6;D8;R3;D16;Q14 |
1537089503-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-h2v8d-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 225 | 1.8|3.56 | 2284|6236 | 46314|58487 | -0.81|0.78 | K10;T15;L9;G15;J9;O15;J11;P15;P13;Q14 |
1537089469-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-k6kjg-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 88 | 2.55|4.57 | 2710|6242 | 3604|21626 | -0.8|0.02 | K10;Q16;J11;S5;L11;D16;E11;O5;H18;O15 |
1537089471-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-tf8t9-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 182 | 2.74|4.79 | 2219|5715 | 15778|51227 | -0.85|0.37 | K10;R15;L9;D15;T8;D16;J18;M8;M2;E9 |
1537089469-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-kzcxh-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 399 | 3.76|4.4 | 2459|4932 | 114264|136449 | -0.53|0.85 | T12;D7;K10;F17;J9;R1;J11;H9;L9;H8 |
1537089512-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-w9xp6-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 406 | 2.75|2.84 | 1638|7797 | 117396|158156 | -0.79|0.48 | R14;F14;K10;D15;L11;P16;J9;Q4;S13;P15 |
1537089482-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-v295f-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 319 | 1.78|2.14 | 2277|6301 | 69002|91097 | -0.71|0.84 | K10;S15;L11;G11;L9;O8;J9;Q4;G13;Q5 |
1537089468-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mddww-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 316 | 3.44|4.51 | 2069|6020 | 71419|84691 | -0.82|0.8 | T14;D3;L11;Q4;C11;G6;K15;K3;R4;C16 |
1537089448-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-86prj-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 238 | 2.82|3.18 | 1983|7202 | 20742|77496 | -0.75|0.09 | T10;H14;K10;C17;L9;Q4;N9;Q5;J11;Q6 |
1537089458-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-d56t4-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 361 | 2.46|2.77 | 2310|6957 | 115764|118618 | -0.76|0.84 | K10;R12;L11;A5;J11;Q4;J9;Q16;M11;P4 |
1537089484-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-t769j-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 296 | 3.52|3.95 | 1949|5666 | 74746|120365 | -0.85|0.27 | K10;T16;T10;D3;J9;G7;O6;P6;A11;E3 |
1537089457-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hnmjw-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 226 | 2.22|4.1 | 1480|5928 | 51472|75529 | -0.77|0.2 | K10;Q14;L11;P14;H5;O14;L18;N14;J9;M14 |
1537089448-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-9fp8b-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 259 | 2.01|3.25 | 1841|5258 | 69835|85043 | -0.74|0.61 | K10;O12;L11;E3;L9;E4;B15;E5;M6;E6 |
1537089445-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gkd2c-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 292 | 3.16|5.28 | 2267|5356 | 77211|107918 | -0.58|0.45 | K10;O14;J11;R6;K4;J3;E1;P3;J9;M3 |
1537089579-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-8ssks-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 264 | 4.01|4.33 | 3493|5545 | 57084|85883 | -0.84|0.36 | K10;R15;J11;L19;L11;L3;J9;F1;L9;G16 |
1537089459-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pzklx-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 382 | 2.59|4.79 | 1846|6522 | 67962|138099 | -0.83|0.18 | T15;B6;K10;D14;L9;F4;G13;F14;J11;E14 |
1537089447-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-45g9k-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 276 | 3.62|6.43 | 3806|5994 | 58868|111109 | -0.82|0.33 | K10;S17;R8;T18;L9;F8;J9;O8;J11;C3 |
1537089455-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-v6zcr-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 261 | 3.5|4.81 | 1894|4773 | 73932|68749 | -0.48|0.84 | K10;P11;L11;C3;F4;D17;H5;Q16;D7;N11 |
1537089444-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-p9d5p-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 308 | 2.48|3.02 | 2471|4876 | 71328|102874 | -0.83|0.51 | K10;S15;L9;O15;J9;L19;L11;H10;J11;H9 |
1537089506-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bmlm6-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 382 | 2.41|4.62 | 1743|6947 | 98717|159086 | -0.77|0.28 | K10;Q15;J9;Q16;F11;G5;L9;N4;L7;Q12 |
1537089493-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-p6r9k-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 244 | 3.17|4.7 | 2208|5420 | 36551|83629 | -0.85|0.29 | K10;O13;L9;L15;J11;D17;M12;O16;M5;B11 |
1537089528-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-97nqf-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 326 | 2.59|2.66 | 1969|5591 | 65870|125876 | -0.76|0.08 | K10;O10;J11;O4;J9;G14;N12;Q16;L9;P4 |
1537089549-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-q57kw-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 253 | 3.34|2.21 | 2129|6108 | 53526|59029 | -0.77|0.79 | K10;Q15;L9;S7;L11;D7;T12;D3;C17;Q16 |
1537089569-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-97kcq-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 262 | 2.71|4.6 | 1648|6369 | 60429|69645 | -0.84|0.47 | K10;R16;N15;Q4;J11;C4;D9;O4;J9;C11 |
1537089502-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cbmrj-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 421 | 1.87|4.03 | 2104|6218 | 160531|102796 | -0.56|0.85 | K10;R14;J9;N4;L9;D4;L11;C4;J11;E4 |
1537089448-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2rjdz-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 319 | 2.21|4.93 | 1811|6109 | 76011|103503 | -0.76|0.68 | K10;P14;J9;P16;C9;D6;J11;E13;D19;S11 |
1537089464-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-tgbkc-25.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 267 | 3.04|3.39 | 1713|6159 | 47509|81178 | -0.62|0.84 | N11;F16;K10;R5;L1;Q16;K13;Q3;R2;C6 |
1537089541-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2hcds-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 281 | 2.48|5.48 | 1878|6915 | 63311|97544 | -0.69|0.84 | K10;P13;J9;B12;L9;Q5;L7;P6;O6;K6 |
1537089478-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-n74s5-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 373 | 2.87|3.54 | 1976|5134 | 98155|128694 | -0.75|0.84 | K10;Q11;J11;N3;F17;Q6;M1;D3;J9;E9 |
1537089511-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-q76bd-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 255 | 2.56|3.44 | 2345|5709 | 43109|54729 | -0.54|0.83 | K10;O12;J9;C17;C5;Q4;J11;F6;A18;M14 |
1537089557-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-tcj52-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+2.5 | 483 | 3.56|3.64 | 3411|6346 | 133065|172305 | -1.0|0.37 | O12;L11;K10;D11;G17;E7;L9;J11;K11;L8 |
1537089457-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-plw5h-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 315 | 2.12|5.86 | 2040|6595 | 86216|99637 | -0.5|0.83 | K10;S16;J9;K13;J11;D6;L9;Q14;L11;Q13 |
1537089475-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-h7v5w-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 243 | 3.62|3.5 | 2361|7007 | 52515|88634 | -0.53|0.81 | L11;C2;K10;E5;L9;D5;J11;C5;O7;F5 |
1537089505-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mqlxw-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 300 | 3.79|1.91 | 2307|6420 | 61957|98592 | -0.8|0.24 | S10;K16;K10;Q8;L11;Q13;Q11;D16;J12;Q10 |
1537089539-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mfr48-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 378 | 2.35|1.31 | 2009|6180 | 109807|127575 | -0.85|0.46 | K10;R16;L9;Q4;N14;D16;K14;P16;L11;O10 |
1537089563-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-4sr64-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 383 | 3.0|2.68 | 3385|4802 | 126749|125701 | -0.76|0.85 | K10;Q12;J9;T11;L9;N10;J11;P10;L11;B2 |
1537089474-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-d7sv8-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 277 | 3.35|5.61 | 1875|5887 | 44578|73260 | -0.52|0.84 | K10;R14;L9;M17;P19;D5;T6;D17;T9;H12 |
1537089450-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xzwxk-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 130 | 3.6|6.47 | 1808|5395 | 4251|29313 | -0.84|-0.08 | Q15;D3;E4;G11;E3;B15;J9;D16;K10;E16 |
1537089494-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qjxkl-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 322 | 2.49|3.64 | 3363|6686 | 83492|115787 | -0.84|0.49 | K10;Q11;J9;B8;L9;A14;L11;N3;J11;N4 |
1537089475-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-df59f-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 329 | 2.02|2.62 | 2426|5443 | 100597|113744 | -0.41|0.73 | K10;Q11;J9;R16;L11;M11;L9;M12;L15;L12 |
1537089509-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rh2cf-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 382 | 3.35|5.28 | 1776|5373 | 104737|150063 | -0.73|0.37 | K10;P14;J11;R3;K15;D5;P2;N11;T16;Q11 |
1537089568-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-lwcwk-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 164 | 2.42|2.35 | 1845|6853 | 15526|51581 | -0.79|0.2 | K10;O12;L11;D10;J11;P16;A3;Q5;C14;E4 |
1537089524-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7xldk-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+5.5 | 416 | 2.92|6.12 | 2707|4837 | 106954|141854 | -0.76|1.0 | K10;T14;J9;G14;J11;Q15;L9;D16;E19;Q16 |
1537089522-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rsqbc-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 194 | 3.04|3.73 | 2435|6666 | 17465|59704 | -0.85|0.25 | L11;E19;K10;D13;L9;K16;J9;D4;G9;E4 |
1537089541-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-5nmxd-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 114 | 2.08|3.54 | 1733|7241 | 3249|30380 | -0.83|0.02 | K10;R14;L9;O6;J9;Q17;B1;G5;D11;D15 |
1537089557-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-49lqj-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 329 | 3.2|5.29 | 1365|6053 | 97891|95593 | -0.49|0.81 | T19;P16;J8;D5;A10;R12;L13;Q4;L11;H12 |
1537089544-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7wx9m-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 208 | 3.94|4.14 | 2178|5140 | 51003|68582 | -0.79|0.22 | K10;O13;L9;D4;Q10;T15;J4;E5;L11;Q14 |
1537089485-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qbkgz-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 270 | 2.46|4.76 | 1563|6029 | 48748|107774 | -0.83|0.12 | K10;P13;J11;Q4;L9;P4;N13;O4;A4;N4 |
1537089438-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bqkrx-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 325 | 3.93|5.74 | 1822|6029 | 83395|108352 | -0.65|0.77 | M11;O10;K10;D4;E8;O4;D8;D7;J9;P17 |
1537089497-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bmlm6-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 362 | 3.01|2.95 | 1888|6298 | 102324|134380 | -0.79|0.33 | K10;P11;J9;C3;D11;P15;G2;Q5;J11;D9 |
1537089541-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mlxdh-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 287 | 2.62|5.13 | 2817|6234 | 69921|83613 | -0.64|0.85 | K10;O11;L11;S7;L9;N8;J9;H5;J11;A12 |
1537089539-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-m9sfn-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 404 | 3.25|2.25 | 1813|6048 | 120035|148282 | -0.83|0.5 | P13;S17;K10;Q4;L6;D16;G14;Q5;G18;D7 |
1537089584-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jltg7-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 112 | 3.21|3.88 | 1617|3879 | 2616|26075 | -0.8|0.02 | O12;O14;F4;P16;K9;C17;O4;N2;T2;D14 |
1537089460-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-24tm9-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 395 | 2.96|3.32 | 1538|5421 | 121794|137942 | -0.66|0.84 | T13;Q5;S6;Q16;D17;P7;S5;H14;Q7;R14 |
1537089581-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hqpcf-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 307 | 2.03|3.89 | 3173|5429 | 101961|92399 | -0.57|0.84 | K10;S11;J11;O3;J9;Q1;L9;O13;L11;C15 |
1537089518-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cp6th-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 312 | 2.06|4.71 | 2085|8699 | 87375|108675 | -0.84|0.59 | P12;Q12;K10;P5;L11;G4;J11;E17;J9;E16 |
1537089528-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-9fp8b-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 412 | 2.66|5.33 | 2781|5829 | 93948|152317 | -0.83|0.47 | K10;Q15;L11;C15;J11;E14;L9;P13;J9;P4 |
1537089558-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-wd2rx-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 418 | 3.84|6.82 | 1791|3657 | 133009|168905 | -0.79|0.5 | Q10;P7;H10;D8;O4;F4;R11;C13;L5;J5 |
1537089453-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-h6gn9-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 260 | 3.01|4.33 | 1638|6189 | 31159|89470 | -0.75|0.04 | T11;N5;C9;P16;G7;N6;T19;C15;L18;S4 |
1537089464-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-sqsp2-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 388 | 3.26|3.73 | 1485|6159 | 73119|152998 | -0.84|0.34 | K10;Q15;K15;D3;A4;R16;J11;N16;L13;M16 |
1537089486-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-zp4zl-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 422 | 2.91|4.25 | 1780|5898 | 112898|148736 | -0.85|0.54 | Q10;N13;K10;P15;L9;D14;K9;Q5;J11;P5 |
1537089584-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-47nsv-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 355 | 3.83|2.79 | 2296|6671 | 110197|112527 | -0.45|0.82 | P11;G5;R4;Q4;P9;O17;S11;O7;K10;G15 |
1537089502-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7krsz-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 312 | 2.94|5.18 | 2067|6378 | 67609|114073 | -0.81|0.66 | K10;R15;L9;R3;H6;H17;M3;M18;L6;T18 |
1537089492-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-z6w5z-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 403 | 1.63|3.9 | 2550|6067 | 101110|123425 | -0.62|0.84 | K10;P14;J9;N15;J11;B17;L11;Q3;L9;Q4 |
1537089561-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-lm56h-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+43.5 | 490 | 3.3|3.63 | 2013|5588 | 125006|37064 | -0.38|0.99 | K10;S16;J11;E16;L9;P3;Q3;P2;O10;C10 |
1537089519-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-vzhbv-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 208 | 4.04|4.17 | 1563|4488 | 21706|65691 | -0.81|0.12 | M11;P7;K5;D15;G18;C4;F12;J4;H8;G17 |
1537089490-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xb9pq-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 398 | 3.43|3.19 | 2198|7040 | 104899|149043 | -0.84|0.4 | T17;D3;K10;D7;R19;A17;P2;N10;M12;G14 |
1537089561-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-vdqbh-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 338 | 4.67|4.64 | 3991|5382 | 95135|113561 | -0.76|0.79 | K10;T11;D13;Q4;J9;D1;L9;M6;L11;P7 |
1537089453-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-f4j66-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 369 | 2.25|6.41 | 4510|6527 | 124061|137148 | -0.58|0.84 | K10;T12;J9;R7;L9;D9;J11;D11;L11;E5 |
1537089514-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-zqk9p-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 444 | 4.05|4.93 | 1929|5072 | 129137|172676 | -0.83|0.52 | K10;R11;K18;M12;H9;Q15;L4;Q4;L9;J6 |
1537089472-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-b7qzz-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 286 | 3.07|3.54 | 2054|5540 | 65807|91504 | -0.83|0.46 | K10;R11;L11;O10;J9;Q16;D14;P3;J11;P4 |
1537089458-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-vn667-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 465 | 2.79|5.65 | 2069|5242 | 162930|120409 | -0.43|0.81 | L11;H15;J11;E10;J9;Q7;K10;D4;K16;F4 |
1537089533-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-p4zxf-31.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 481 | 2.1|4.7 | 3811|5666 | 149128|170676 | -0.57|0.85 | K10;P15;J11;H10;J9;K16;L9;L17;L11;F17 |
1537089493-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-n8x6v-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 418 | 4.23|4.91 | 2558|5058 | 131635|159174 | -0.82|0.39 | M11;H6;J9;F17;L11;E3;K10;P11;C18;E2 |
1537089569-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cwxnp-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 200 | 2.2|4.39 | 2302|5727 | 50796|63389 | -0.85|0.25 | K10;R14;J11;A8;L11;M5;L9;D4;J10;D3 |
1537089426-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jknt2-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 289 | 3.9|4.32 | 2719|5865 | 66267|90117 | -0.63|0.66 | K10;M11;L9;R3;J11;N14;J9;F7;P14;F5 |
1537089587-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-q2rwm-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+0.5 | 433 | 4.33|2.87 | 2151|4351 | 47901|147470 | -0.99|0.04 | M11;F5;L9;E4;E6;H5;H3;D17;N2;S14 |
1537089533-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fg9dm-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 402 | 3.64|4.93 | 2563|5501 | 100641|179132 | -0.85|0.36 | K10;R13;J9;G13;L11;Q13;J11;P14;T11;M12 |
1537089521-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-wtq9q-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 379 | 3.98|5.27 | 2520|5096 | 110134|125060 | -0.54|0.84 | K10;T15;J9;Q13;S13;Q14;K16;Q15;L11;C15 |
1537089496-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cbbtb-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 260 | 2.05|2.93 | 2472|6546 | 61457|79044 | -0.82|0.55 | K10;P12;L9;D14;L11;R1;J11;Q4;G12;R17 |
1537089516-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-kcz9j-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 431 | 3.75|4.2 | 4601|4501 | 154622|147558 | -0.78|0.83 | K10;N11;L11;L19;J11;Q16;J9;T11;L9;L2 |
1537089467-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ld5kn-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 296 | 2.06|4.36 | 1962|6070 | 96960|88596 | -0.78|0.64 | K10;Q13;L11;C16;M6;G5;J11;F4;A10;P5 |
1537089552-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-9plvz-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 301 | 2.74|3.21 | 1441|5385 | 63539|99198 | -0.58|0.77 | K10;R16;J11;Q16;Q15;P16;M11;O16;D8;N16 |
1537089473-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-d7sv8-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 299 | 2.7|4.39 | 2293|6794 | 46958|102713 | -0.83|0.79 | K10;Q14;L9;P16;J9;D4;P9;T8;J11;E4 |
1537089454-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fbhnt-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 300 | 2.4|4.67 | 3579|4833 | 76274|97076 | -0.8|0.53 | K10;T14;J9;P10;J11;L19;L11;C6;L9;Q5 |
1537089426-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jknt2-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 289 | 3.9|4.32 | 2719|5865 | 66267|90117 | -0.63|0.66 | K10;M11;L9;R3;J11;N14;J9;F7;P14;F5 |
1537089438-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bqkrx-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 325 | 3.93|5.74 | 1822|6029 | 83395|108352 | -0.65|0.77 | M11;O10;K10;D4;E8;O4;D8;D7;J9;P17 |
1537089584-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jltg7-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 112 | 3.21|3.88 | 1617|3879 | 2616|26075 | -0.8|0.02 | O12;O14;F4;P16;K9;C17;O4;N2;T2;D14 |
1537089587-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-q2rwm-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+0.5 | 433 | 4.33|2.87 | 2151|4351 | 47901|147470 | -0.99|0.04 | M11;F5;L9;E4;E6;H5;H3;D17;N2;S14 |