Stats for 000060-eagle | More stats coming soon(tm) | ||||
Part of v11 (20x256): Experiment: Q=draw | |||||
Created 2018-09-16 05:41 | Last updated 2018-09-25 09:11 | ||||
Played 27275 self-play games | 715 debug games loaded | 126 evaluation games played |
All stats taken from games where perspective won | Player | Wins | Wins by resign | Wins by result | Sum win margin | Holdout games | Bad resigns | Unluckiness Sum of soft-n for all moves above move choosen |
Number moves From both players, but only in games won by Player |
Sum move visits From both players, but only in games won by Player |
all | 27275 (100.0%) | 24215 (88.8%) | 3060 | 18045 | 0 | 0 | 0.186 | 8601556 (315.4 per game) | (12 visits to top node per move) | ||
black | 10845 (39.8%) | 9639 (88.9%) | 1206 | 6416 | 0 | 0 | 0.177 | 3726823 (343.6 per game) | (13 visits to top node per move) | ||
white | 16430 (60.2%) | 14576 (88.7%) | 1854 | 11629 | 0 | 0 | 0.193 | 4874733 (296.7 per game) | (12 visits to top node per move) | ||
black luckiest game 0.0 unluck | white luckiest game 0.0 unluck | black+white luckiest game 0.0 unluck |
100 Random games | Debug (hover headers for definition) | Name | Viewer | Raw SGF | Debug (commented) SGF | Results | Moves |
Sum of soft-n for moves ranked higher than selected move (summed over first thiry moves)
Sum visits (first 30 moves)
Number of visits per side to top MCTS move (black count|white count)
Sum visits (all moves) |
Bleakest eval
Worst eval during the game by (black|white)
| Opening
First ten moves of game
1537078182-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-nrgdw-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 399 | 6.96|1.26 | 3798|186 | 134288|75001 | -0.21|0.87 | K10;O12;J11;C2;M19;T15;D16;F19;J9;B4 |
1537078045-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-sm8dv-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 249 | 5.8|1.33 | 3880|384 | 55696|49516 | -0.39|0.86 | K10;R14;L9;O12;M1;A19;J9;P15;L11;K9 |
1537078207-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bll54-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 258 | 4.37|1.2 | 4596|191 | 45629|70135 | -0.86|0.53 | K10;R15;O15;O4;J9;P11;J11;M19;L11;L2 |
1537078157-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xmgcb-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 280 | 5.29|1.26 | 4594|194 | 49713|89416 | -0.84|0.56 | Q10;O14;C19;A1;R18;D5;J17;M8;K10;F5 |
1537078032-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-26g9t-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 399 | 6.2|1.4 | 4256|208 | 112866|142829 | -0.51|0.86 | T16;R16;M6;L10;K10;L17;L9;S3;J11;P19 |
1537078115-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7qnwg-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 313 | 5.9|1.16 | 4220|193 | 73348|62420 | -0.49|0.86 | O10;D11;H18;G12;E3;B1;S12;P15;B8;D7 |
1537078141-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xjsfw-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 164 | 7.21|1.24 | 3535|183 | 8539|35600 | -0.86|0.46 | S15;G8;C9;P12;B2;J8;K14;S9;J11;G16 |
1537078215-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-98cwm-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 305 | 6.25|1.32 | 3466|209 | 96690|64771 | -0.4|0.86 | K10;R12;J18;G19;L9;K7;L11;D8;J9;F5 |
1537078010-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ncwh5-15.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 250 | 7.72|1.29 | 3495|196 | 36701|69875 | -0.72|0.53 | K10;S12;L9;G13;L11;F10;S3;K19;B16;H2 |
1537078131-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-5mlvp-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 374 | 6.48|1.28 | 5000|201 | 89758|110314 | -0.85|0.54 | Q12;L3;G1;J15;R3;D13;K10;O13;J9;Q6 |
1537078219-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rgsg9-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 375 | 5.99|1.21 | 3783|184 | 106611|115756 | -0.63|0.86 | K10;S14;J11;S12;L11;D1;J9;M3;O16;B19 |
1537078118-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-55jcz-29.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 106 | 6.12|1.35 | 4265|206 | 7327|21681 | -0.85|0.46 | K10;S12;L9;Q9;J9;F17;L11;F10;T1;P4 |
1537078229-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-9rkv7-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 276 | 5.32|1.28 | 4052|189 | 43307|96723 | -0.85|0.52 | P15;E13;G7;Q4;K10;J9;J11;A15;L9;D1 |
1537078007-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2rjdz-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 331 | 3.77|1.21 | 3787|199 | 102635|94921 | -0.31|0.86 | T17;P3;K10;N16;J9;K14;L9;D19;E2;G2 |
1537078108-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hhfcj-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 363 | 4.47|1.28 | 4335|195 | 93719|130939 | -0.58|0.83 | P14;F7;K10;Q19;O15;E16;L11;L5;J9;L2 |
1537078054-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-5hv57-2.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 268 | 5.51|1.38 | 3614|610 | 36158|83198 | -0.84|0.4 | K10;R11;J11;H7;J9;Q14;L11;R17;L9;R6 |
1537078221-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7ww7t-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 52 | 6.6|2.31 | 3823|1377 | 3958|7801 | -0.87|0.38 | K10;R15;J9;S4;Q6;J8;T19;G2;L11;N7 |
1537078096-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fg9dm-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 371 | 5.61|1.27 | 3947|192 | 125046|107704 | -0.4|0.86 | R14;P18;F18;B9;J9;J12;L9;N11;A1;M8 |
1537078021-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-9rkv7-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 363 | 4.31|1.22 | 4614|214 | 98134|109595 | -0.49|0.79 | K10;Q11;J9;K18;L9;A10;L11;Q2;S4;L17 |
1537078170-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-p2tqw-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 299 | 6.38|1.26 | 4373|206 | 54097|73695 | -0.5|0.86 | S10;Q19;G5;L3;C3;D12;B8;B17;E13;J8 |
1537078111-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-98kq2-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 114 | 5.17|1.17 | 4135|199 | 11916|24055 | -0.75|0.42 | K10;O14;L11;O12;D9;B17;L9;Q10;B1;R7 |
1537078080-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-w96bz-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 70 | 5.2|1.3 | 3558|192 | 5145|10280 | -0.86|0.48 | K10;R12;J11;G10;C15;D4;L11;D19;J9;H18 |
1537078147-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2rjdz-20.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 325 | 8.32|1.17 | 3814|202 | 60944|93004 | -0.35|0.86 | O12;J6;H14;M12;K10;C19;J9;Q6;B1;K14 |
1537078063-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cpnnz-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 242 | 7.13|1.23 | 3936|188 | 13463|58047 | -0.74|0.44 | K10;R15;S13;K13;B19;O3;J11;R14;L9;R4 |
1537078111-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fbhjm-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 294 | 6.55|1.27 | 3586|190 | 58328|105299 | -0.86|0.48 | K10;R13;C18;J12;S13;P19;C19;E7;M7;R6 |
1537078198-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-qbkgz-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 341 | 6.76|1.29 | 4668|191 | 101841|85776 | -0.4|0.87 | S16;C15;A15;D8;Q2;G11;R18;P6;C4;L5 |
1537078229-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-t8fpf-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 318 | 8.88|1.29 | 4986|182 | 40738|85811 | -0.6|0.5 | T14;N14;J5;S16;B2;J10;P6;S2;K10;K19 |
1537078017-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xwg5p-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 387 | 6.71|1.31 | 3834|195 | 152447|141306 | -0.43|0.76 | Q13;M16;F7;N18;E15;F8;P13;N8;T10;B7 |
1537078154-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-dj7nx-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 369 | 6.51|1.3 | 3926|197 | 86020|102364 | -0.47|0.84 | P12;K5;K10;K19;J17;R11;R16;E9;B15;P7 |
1537078184-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-6rdxs-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 242 | 6.39|1.35 | 3648|193 | 25566|74345 | -0.85|0.47 | O13;H14;O17;M7;K10;C7;F14;S2;J11;E9 |
1537078082-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xwg5p-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 383 | 5.08|1.43 | 4082|208 | 64904|112290 | -0.75|0.87 | R17;Q12;C15;R3;K10;E6;J9;Q8;L9;O4 |
1537078209-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-s6fcn-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 140 | 4.74|1.18 | 3411|193 | 8749|31385 | -0.87|0.51 | K10;T11;L9;K18;L11;J8;J11;K17;J9;P5 |
1537078126-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-zgrsk-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+2.5 | 255 | 6.3|1.12 | 4169|196 | 44221|51134 | -0.98|0.63 | T14;Q4;K10;T10;H4;L6;L11;O11;J11;C15 |
1537078030-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-t9sfn-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 394 | 4.82|1.3 | 3888|204 | 110877|155690 | -0.79|0.52 | T12;N8;R3;C19;G3;H1;D5;Q11;K10;B4 |
1537078223-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mfr48-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 445 | 6.17|1.17 | 4484|187 | 122873|117177 | -0.69|0.79 | N12;H9;C3;M4;N5;B7;D15;P19;C15;M10 |
1537078095-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rm427-16.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 285 | 4.47|1.21 | 3609|207 | 62733|64065 | -0.53|0.87 | K10;Q16;J11;R15;J9;T16;L11;A10;L9;F19 |
1537078191-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-6cnt7-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 315 | 7.24|1.24 | 4650|209 | 100618|57128 | -0.25|0.82 | P13;M1;R16;J1;B2;D14;D7;C19;R3;B9 |
1537078097-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-bp4n8-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 210 | 4.74|1.31 | 3443|189 | 12745|48796 | -0.83|0.49 | S12;M3;A7;T16;K10;B5;J9;T6;J11;C14 |
1537078121-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-v295f-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 134 | 5.33|1.22 | 4519|199 | 10798|31639 | -0.85|0.51 | N13;J13;R4;H18;K10;L19;J11;J5;L9;N6 |
1537078149-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hrm5r-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 410 | 6.74|1.31 | 4530|195 | 74685|144434 | -0.75|0.42 | T13;K13;K10;P18;M14;N6;L9;P8;L11;H6 |
1537078012-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ql2pn-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 118 | 5.82|2.1 | 3876|743 | 7769|29095 | -0.79|0.46 | Q12;E5;K10;E2;P2;R12;L11;P8;E6;M11 |
1537078076-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-nrgdw-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 389 | 6.12|1.22 | 3756|183 | 113857|110658 | -0.7|0.84 | K10;S14;C2;E13;J11;C19;T14;H10;L11;D7 |
1537078168-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-j2lcw-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 293 | 6.56|1.29 | 3985|204 | 44880|73796 | -0.7|0.85 | R11;C1;K10;L15;K2;F9;J11;S12;L9;L4 |
1537078067-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cpnnz-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 273 | 7.32|1.28 | 3830|212 | 62061|63093 | -0.63|0.84 | Q11;C8;N18;B13;L6;O19;K10;T3;H2;J19 |
1537078067-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2rjdz-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 354 | 6.03|1.26 | 4359|179 | 91448|127850 | -0.85|0.47 | O14;L12;A18;P12;O2;E5;L13;C14;R18;T3 |
1537078131-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-h2v8d-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 341 | 6.15|1.26 | 4205|190 | 131174|113497 | -0.52|0.8 | T13;C10;K10;L4;Q10;P3;O3;T18;C3;P11 |
1537078215-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-mp88x-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+3.5 | 558 | 5.77|1.29 | 4224|202 | 208980|154504 | -0.45|1.0 | Q15;M15;F5;E5;R13;Q1;C4;F1;Q9;D7 |
1537078198-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-8tkc2-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 273 | 5.89|1.26 | 3505|185 | 75391|75718 | -0.58|0.8 | Q16;D14;K10;L18;L11;S4;P2;S12;J11;L8 |
1537078015-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-vxzld-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 409 | 6.9|1.41 | 3907|232 | 95714|134938 | -0.73|0.86 | T15;Q3;K10;B3;J11;A15;L11;D17;M3;B16 |
1537078056-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-6cnt7-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 180 | 6.78|1.37 | 3781|211 | 9013|39397 | -0.86|0.44 | K10;P14;L9;G10;L15;N8;J9;E16;D15;C4 |
1537078169-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cxxqd-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+1.5 | 420 | 5.71|1.31 | 3946|197 | 19524|106682 | -0.99|0.51 | R10;P18;D13;T6;D7;N6;J17;M3;K10;S14 |
1537078078-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pcjpd-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 250 | 5.26|1.33 | 3948|208 | 14930|60662 | -0.86|0.53 | Q13;Q5;B13;E14;K14;Q8;K13;O19;K10;O17 |
1537078034-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-98cwm-3.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 317 | 3.66|1.26 | 4392|190 | 100991|58666 | -0.21|0.86 | R12;B4;K10;S3;L11;M1;C10;A1;L9;M16 |
1537078079-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pzklx-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 289 | 7.23|1.2 | 4205|188 | 49254|60743 | -0.84|0.86 | T18;H13;H2;H12;S13;M14;K10;B6;Q8;O15 |
1537078024-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7stjn-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+6.5 | 417 | 4.65|1.37 | 4174|208 | 106253|85997 | -0.5|0.99 | T17;G5;R16;P4;B4;E15;K10;K16;D3;O1 |
1537078014-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-p7r7z-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 209 | 6.14|1.31 | 3948|182 | 37421|36328 | -0.4|0.85 | Q12;Q15;C13;G2;C18;J3;G17;M11;K10;O17 |
1537078047-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-r2klj-5.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 98 | 5.97|1.22 | 3927|202 | 7267|20719 | -0.87|0.46 | K10;N13;J11;L12;J9;R1;L11;M9;L9;D18 |
1537078039-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xs8mn-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 280 | 6.36|1.16 | 4063|198 | 72309|88383 | -0.86|0.53 | P13;F15;Q2;H4;P2;R6;K10;H3;H9;G13 |
1537078222-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-wpf4f-9.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 241 | 3.49|1.21 | 3609|181 | 66007|55113 | -0.52|0.85 | K10;T13;J9;Q2;L9;N13;L11;Q10;J11;J8 |
1537078127-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-rh2cf-23.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 251 | 6.25|1.22 | 4323|194 | 45397|52263 | -0.58|0.85 | S17;B5;O8;A8;K10;F19;J9;T13;L11;C16 |
1537078084-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ms5js-24.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 235 | 5.51|1.27 | 3965|179 | 52029|45620 | -0.38|0.82 | Q12;N1;Q2;H11;B6;D8;Q4;E5;K10;D18 |
1537078196-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-84qhl-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 120 | 6.38|1.35 | 3342|193 | 9005|23327 | -0.86|0.47 | S14;J6;K10;E15;H11;M8;L9;D14;Q13;P16 |
1537078193-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-5kjzw-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 288 | 6.82|1.28 | 4071|185 | 64518|90067 | -0.81|0.45 | S14;A6;K10;H6;J11;G15;L9;K17;J9;C16 |
1537078205-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-p2tqw-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+0.5 | 433 | 5.91|1.23 | 3561|189 | 89351|166135 | -1.0|0.48 | T11;C1;K10;O16;J11;Q14;L11;R1;A16;K2 |
1537078139-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-jjhpj-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 152 | 6.48|1.11 | 3878|192 | 10355|37805 | -0.87|0.44 | L11;B13;J11;S15;J9;F15;P4;S12;K10;G4 |
1537078215-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ds7s8-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+5.5 | 480 | 7.64|1.31 | 4126|187 | 55027|139090 | -1.0|0.5 | K10;R17;J11;B11;J9;T15;Q4;T18;O17;E12 |
1537078133-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cwxnp-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 400 | 5.67|1.35 | 4552|200 | 83279|111436 | -0.86|0.72 | K10;P12;P16;R4;J11;H10;L11;B3;L9;J12 |
1537078068-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pzklx-12.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 194 | 3.6|1.1 | 4252|191 | 23722|55502 | -0.87|0.58 | K10;R11;J11;C19;L11;Q1;L9;E1;E15;D16 |
1537078070-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xwthz-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 301 | 6.49|1.29 | 3267|190 | 50875|75902 | -0.77|0.81 | K10;Q14;S5;F10;J11;M9;T13;G3;L11;F3 |
1537078052-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xw7q5-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 296 | 5.74|1.12 | 4367|191 | 59805|96133 | -0.86|0.58 | O13;L7;D17;C11;K10;A19;O17;B4;Q6;N5 |
1537078109-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-z9tlv-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 107 | 2.73|1.25 | 3597|178 | 19535|681 | 0.38|0.85 | K10;O14;J9;G16;G6;L15;J11;T15;Q3;Q7 |
1537078043-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-9lbrk-22.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 244 | 5.16|1.35 | 4502|315 | 42016|74695 | -0.79|0.4 | K10;O12;L11;N3;J9;O16;J11;R14;L9;E13 |
1537078122-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7jbts-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 326 | 6.56|1.22 | 4439|191 | 76660|96363 | -0.64|0.59 | P12;N15;D1;G14;F7;A7;P15;G19;J13;A3 |
1537078105-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ztsb7-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 391 | 5.37|1.3 | 3550|200 | 151596|148521 | -0.44|0.87 | T11;O15;K10;F13;L11;K3;J9;C10;J11;S11 |
1537078117-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gzj4v-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 293 | 5.66|1.19 | 3931|191 | 41555|78555 | -0.7|0.74 | R14;A10;K9;A9;K10;Q9;J11;P16;C6;A13 |
1537078023-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-g6v85-0.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 373 | 7.29|1.84 | 3636|637 | 144110|120037 | -0.54|0.71 | Q14;J5;K10;E12;J11;R7;Q13;H6;T3;Q3 |
1537078017-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-vn667-21.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 208 | 4.54|1.24 | 3863|180 | 9259|46287 | -0.84|0.52 | K10;T13;J9;K9;L9;J7;L11;L8;J11;R1 |
1537078205-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7stjn-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 370 | 8.26|1.25 | 4223|192 | 111247|90487 | -0.84|0.8 | O12;H19;C16;P18;L3;B13;F11;C18;K10;P1 |
1537078214-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-gttlv-7.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 172 | 6.7|1.21 | 4135|187 | 11954|41354 | -0.78|0.47 | T16;O9;K10;E12;J11;G19;L9;A7;S18;A16 |
1537078188-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-s6v74-4.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 369 | 3.92|1.44 | 3647|210 | 108901|134154 | -0.66|0.87 | P14;C4;K10;R6;J9;C10;J11;D8;L9;O6 |
1537078148-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-w9xp6-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 280 | 6.21|1.29 | 3470|182 | 38466|74842 | -0.87|0.51 | K10;P13;J9;Q10;M16;K12;L11;C3;C2;P5 |
1537078204-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-464g5-8.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 321 | 4.6|1.18 | 3881|213 | 60580|82933 | -0.49|0.86 | K10;N13;L11;B10;C1;T8;J11;H12;J9;F8 |
1537078048-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-ld5kn-11.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 128 | 4.18|1.37 | 3533|194 | 8969|29487 | -0.83|0.45 | K10;T12;J9;N9;N18;R15;L9;A13;J11;T6 |
1537078142-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-5wr9x-28.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+0.5 | 431 | 6.35|1.16 | 4421|255 | 117414|179699 | -1.0|0.5 | K10;M11;J9;M10;L9;O8;Q16;E5;J11;P13 |
1537078009-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pm9gw-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 361 | 8.21|1.34 | 4146|195 | 100308|104521 | -0.47|0.85 | R14;M12;F10;H17;R8;B12;S10;E15;B4;R15 |
1537078222-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-75j9r-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 296 | 4.31|1.37 | 3740|204 | 29405|83240 | -0.86|0.41 | T17;F6;N4;N8;K10;H7;L11;E4;J11;D6 |
1537078073-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-xdhxw-30.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 247 | 9.13|1.15 | 3951|196 | 55471|4481 | 0.14|0.86 | S17;D17;S4;J17;B11;A10;J2;A7;M7;K18 |
1537078117-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-48sf9-6.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 386 | 5.48|1.26 | 4144|196 | 76665|112985 | -0.86|0.56 | O14;C3;A8;Q13;S17;A7;D3;P19;D12;Q7 |
1537078042-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-hrtjh-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 397 | 5.01|1.39 | 3676|227 | 116792|158402 | -0.67|0.86 | R12;S10;R5;Q17;K10;P16;J9;S8;J11;Q11 |
1537078045-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-fq5pj-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 383 | 5.57|1.29 | 3853|197 | 130286|114333 | -0.78|0.84 | S11;G4;R1;K11;K10;E2;N16;Q4;L9;S8 |
1537078021-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-snvb7-26.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 321 | 6.49|1.39 | 3431|198 | 75942|102025 | -0.47|0.83 | K10;R16;O16;Q5;L9;C4;C8;F15;Q17;C10 |
1537078015-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-7hqkh-14.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 323 | 6.79|1.26 | 4029|189 | 118289|51151 | -0.16|0.85 | M12;P19;A13;S5;K10;Q4;J9;H19;J13;B7 |
1537078043-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2js65-10.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 192 | 6.43|1.35 | 3914|187 | 10463|42119 | -0.87|0.44 | K10;T14;L9;O6;J9;R2;J11;F11;L11;L5 |
1537078201-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2v96z-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 271 | 7.05|1.23 | 4491|205 | 56928|84074 | -0.48|0.81 | O13;M5;B18;N6;G17;T18;E1;P2;M12;G15 |
1537078061-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-cwxnp-27.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 345 | 7.0|1.27 | 4410|198 | 108068|66320 | -0.28|0.86 | R16;S3;D18;E7;D10;A9;K10;R8;J9;R3 |
1537078017-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-8brwd-18.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 389 | 4.98|1.36 | 3933|189 | 134247|121775 | -0.61|0.75 | K10;S14;L9;H6;G17;K16;L11;S5;A6;H19 |
1537078007-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-2rjdz-1.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 331 | 3.77|1.21 | 3787|199 | 102635|94921 | -0.31|0.86 | T17;P3;K10;N16;J9;K14;L9;D19;E2;G2 |
1537078009-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-pm9gw-19.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | B+R | 361 | 8.21|1.34 | 4146|195 | 100308|104521 | -0.47|0.85 | R14;M12;F10;H17;R8;B12;S10;E15;B4;R15 |
1537078229-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-9rkv7-13.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 276 | 5.32|1.28 | 4052|189 | 43307|96723 | -0.85|0.52 | P15;E13;G7;Q4;K10;J9;J11;A15;L9;D1 |
1537078229-tpu-player-deployment-546b8d6779-t8fpf-17.sgf | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | SGF Viewer | Raw SGF | W+R | 318 | 8.88|1.29 | 4986|182 | 40738|85811 | -0.6|0.5 | T14;N14;J5;S16;B2;J10;P6;S2;K10;K19 |